
Issue 1370 darcs add wrongly reports files as already being added

Title darcs add wrongly reports files as already being added
Priority not-our-bug Status resolved
Milestone Resolved in
Superseder Nosy List darcs-devel, dmitry.kurochkin, kowey, thorkilnaur
Assigned To

Created on 2009-02-25.13:37:50 by kowey, last changed 2009-08-27.14:15:47 by admin.

msg7358 (view) Author: kowey Date: 2009-02-25.13:37:46
I seem to have an example of creating a directory, forgetting to darcs
add it, and then when I add files within that directory, being told that
they already have been added...

A test case for bugs/ would be very useful

In the meantime, I'll just make a note of the bug here
msg7359 (view) Author: kowey Date: 2009-02-25.13:51:17
Silly me: it was because I had a _darcs directory already in the subdirectory I
was trying to add.   I do wish we had some sort of sub-repository support, but
it's not important.  Sorry for the noise!
Date User Action Args
2009-02-25 13:37:50koweycreate
2009-02-25 13:51:20koweysetpriority: not-our-bug
status: unread -> resolved
messages: + msg7359
nosy: kowey, simon, thorkilnaur, dmitry.kurochkin
2009-08-25 17:41:18adminsetnosy: + darcs-devel, - simon
2009-08-27 14:15:47adminsetnosy: kowey, darcs-devel, thorkilnaur, dmitry.kurochkin