
Issue 1580 use buildbot-specific GHC package database on build slaves

Title use buildbot-specific GHC package database on build slaves
Priority feature Status given-up
Milestone Resolved in
Superseder Nosy List darcs-devel, dmitry.kurochkin, isaacd, kowey
Assigned To
Topics Devel

Created on 2009-08-28.09:29:25 by kowey, last changed 2017-07-30.23:36:32 by gh.

msg8561 (view) Author: kowey Date: 2009-08-28.09:29:21
I want the build slaves to be able to use 'cabal install' so that we don't have
to do any manual maintenance whenever a dependency changes.

One potential issue is that folks may object to having us install packages on
their behalf.

Isaac pointed out that you can point GHC to any package db you want, and I
noticed that cabal-install has a --package-db flag

Feel free to wont-fix this and say "well, we now require a buildbot user, so
problem solved"
Date User Action Args
2009-08-28 09:29:25koweycreate
2009-10-24 00:35:26adminsetnosy: + isaacd, - isaacdupree
2017-07-30 23:36:32ghsetstatus: needs-implementation -> given-up