
Issue 1654 roundup: possibly add a bcc field in addition to nosy

Title roundup: possibly add a bcc field in addition to nosy
Priority wishlist Status wont-fix
Milestone Resolved in
Superseder Nosy List Serware, darcs-devel, dmitry.kurochkin, kowey, twb
Assigned To
Topics BugTracker

Created on 2009-10-24.09:57:56 by kowey, last changed 2009-10-26.10:37:57 by kowey.

msg9018 (view) Author: kowey Date: 2009-10-24.09:57:52
Splitting msg9015 off from issue1512

I'm not even sure it's a good idea to do this (clutter), but it may be good if
the bug-tracker had a CC field so that people can be notified without creating
an account, and particularly so that we can communicate with things like the
Debian tracker (which has a separate email address per bug) without cluttering
our user list.

I doubt it's worth the effort, but if anybody wants to work on this,
  darcs get http://darcs.net/darcs-bugtracker
msg9040 (view) Author: twb Date: 2009-10-26.00:21:45
On Sat, Oct 24, 2009 at 09:57:56AM +0000, Eric Kow wrote:
> I'm not even sure it's a good idea to do this (clutter), but it may be good if
> the bug-tracker had a CC field so that people can be notified without creating
> an account, and particularly so that we can communicate with things like the
> Debian tracker (which has a separate email address per bug) without cluttering
> our user list.
> I doubt it's worth the effort, but if anybody wants to work on this,
>   darcs get http://darcs.net/darcs-bugtracker

IMO nosy *is* CC, so what you're talking about is more of a BCC.

<Debian hat on>

The way Debian's BTS works, is that a Darcs bug that's not Debian-
specific may have a ticket in Debian's tracker that basically just
says "forwarded to http://bugs.darcs.net/issueNNN".  A script in
Debian understands that this is a roundup URL and knows how to pull
metadata (read: bug status) from Roundup and inject it into Debian.

So for *Debian*, at least, the only thing this extra field would
achieve is to copy comments from roundup into Debian's associated
ticket -- which I think is actually a bad idea.

The issue I was talking about elsewhere is that there are ALREADY a
bunch of @bugs.debian.org accounts in Roundup, and as these aren't
needed, they ought to be removed, or at least consolidated.

It's also possible for new @bdo accounts to be created in roundup by
well-meaning a bug reporter setting the "forwarded to" field to
bugs@darcs.net instead of http://bugs.darcs.net/issueNNN.  You could
reduce suckiness by creating a "Debbugs" user and giving it every
address from 1@bugs.debian.org to 999999@bugs.debian.org -- on sober
reflection, I don't think it's worth doing so.
msg9041 (view) Author: kowey Date: 2009-10-26.10:11:13
On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 00:21:47 +0000, Trent W. Buck wrote:
> > I doubt it's worth the effort, but if anybody wants to work on this,
> >   darcs get http://darcs.net/darcs-bugtracker
> IMO nosy *is* CC, so what you're talking about is more of a BCC.

Point taken about BCC.

What I was mainly referring to was the fact that the nosy field
is tied to roundup accounts and not email addresses, which can be
annoying if you just want to lurk.

> The way Debian's BTS works, is that a Darcs bug that's not Debian-
> specific may have a ticket in Debian's tracker that basically just
> says "forwarded to http://bugs.darcs.net/issueNNN".  A script in
> Debian understands that this is a roundup URL and knows how to pull
> metadata (read: bug status) from Roundup and inject it into Debian.
> So for *Debian*, at least, the only thing this extra field would
> achieve is to copy comments from roundup into Debian's associated
> ticket -- which I think is actually a bad idea.


> The issue I was talking about elsewhere is that there are ALREADY a
> bunch of @bugs.debian.org accounts in Roundup, and as these aren't
> needed, they ought to be removed, or at least consolidated.

I'll get to it then, thanks!

Eric Kow <http://www.nltg.brighton.ac.uk/home/Eric.Kow>
PGP Key ID: 08AC04F9
msg9042 (view) Author: kowey Date: 2009-10-26.10:37:56
Debian users removed.  I guess I'll mark this a wont-fix as it's unlikely
anybody will be motivated enough to work on this :-)
Date User Action Args
2009-10-24 09:57:56koweycreate
2009-10-24 09:59:20koweysetpriority: feature -> wishlist
nosy: kowey, darcs-devel, twb, dmitry.kurochkin, Serware
2009-10-26 00:21:47twbsetmessages: + msg9040
2009-10-26 10:11:17koweysetmessages: + msg9041
2009-10-26 10:37:57koweysetstatus: needs-implementation -> wont-fix
messages: + msg9042
title: roundup: possibly add a cc field in addition to nosy -> roundup: possibly add a bcc field in addition to nosy