
Issue 1858 high memory usage when getting repos

Title high memory usage when getting repos
Priority bug Status given-up
Milestone Resolved in
Superseder Nosy List dmitry.kurochkin, kowey
Assigned To
Topics Performance

Created on 2010-06-02.19:41:37 by igloo, last changed 2016-04-03.21:31:53 by gh.

msg11198 (view) Author: igloo Date: 2010-06-02.19:41:36
With 2.4.3 release, this command:

darcs get --partial http://darcs.haskell.org/ghc-6.12/ghc/ build

runs out of memory with a 400M limit (i.e. ulimit -v 400000). (nb, it
actually gets all the patches, as it's converting to hashed).
msg11199 (view) Author: kowey Date: 2010-06-02.19:45:53
Does just plain old get behave any better (ie. is this about partial)?
And what about darcs get --partial --old-fashioned?
msg11200 (view) Author: kowey Date: 2010-06-02.19:50:37
I think we somebody that's not Ian (busy) to reproduce this and answer
the questions below.
Date User Action Args
2010-06-02 19:41:37igloocreate
2010-06-02 19:45:54koweysetpriority: bug
topic: + Performance
messages: + msg11199
nosy: + kowey
2010-06-02 19:50:37koweysetstatus: unknown -> needs-reproduction
messages: + msg11200
2016-04-03 21:31:53ghsetstatus: needs-reproduction -> given-up