
Issue 1947 bogus (?) warning about unreachable repo

Title bogus (?) warning about unreachable repo
Priority bug Status duplicate
Milestone Resolved in
Superseder bad source warning mechanism warns about sources outside your control
View: 1923
Nosy List dmitry.kurochkin, fx
Assigned To

Created on 2010-09-06.12:15:49 by fx, last changed 2010-09-06.13:25:48 by fx.

msg12473 (view) Author: fx Date: 2010-09-06.12:15:48
I don't understand the following (which I've seen on a couple of recent
pulls from the darcs repo) and don't have time now to investigate, so
I'm just recording it.  I've no idea whence `/home/darcs-unstable/darcs'
comes.  I'm sure there never was such a directory under /home, though I
did have a /home/fx/darcs-unstable at some stage.

    * Document Darcs.Patch.Info.makeFilename.
  Shall I pull this patch? (8/8)  [ynW...], or ? for more options: y
  Finished pulling and applying.
  I could not reach the following repository:
  If you're not using it, you should probably delete
  the corresponding entry from _darcs/prefs/sources.
  $ cat _darcs/prefs/sources
  $ darcs show repo
            Type: darcs
          Format: hashed, darcs-2
            Root: /home/fx/darcs.net
        Pristine: HashedPristine
           Cache: thisrepo:/home/fx/darcs.net,
           cache:/home/fx/.darcs/cache, repo:http://darcs.net,
       test Pref: runghc Setup configure --user -ftype-witnesses && runghc
       Setup build && runghc Setup test tests network
  boringfile Pref: .boring
    predist Pref: echo Darcs no longer uses \"darcs dist\" for
    packaging. Please use \"cabal sdist\" instead. && exit 1
  Default Remote: http://darcs.net
     Num Patches: 8890
  $ darcs --version (+ 131 patches)
msg12475 (view) Author: kowey Date: 2010-09-06.12:31:58
Looks like a duplicate of issue1923.  Adding you to that now.
msg12478 (view) Author: fx Date: 2010-09-06.13:25:47
Eric Kow <bugs@darcs.net> writes:

> Eric Kow <kowey@darcs.net> added the comment:
> Looks like a duplicate of issue1923.  Adding you to that now.

Indeed.  Sorry I didn't notice when -- honest! -- scanning the bug list.
Date User Action Args
2010-09-06 12:15:49fxcreate
2010-09-06 12:31:59koweysetpriority: bug
status: unknown -> duplicate
superseder: + bad source warning mechanism warns about sources outside your control
messages: + msg12475
2010-09-06 13:25:48fxsetmessages: + msg12478