
Issue 2007 ability to name remote branches for easy interaction later

Title ability to name remote branches for easy interaction later
Priority wishlist Status needs-reproduction
Milestone Resolved in
Superseder Nosy List dagit
Assigned To
Topics UI

Created on 2010-12-01.17:54:53 by dagit, last changed 2010-12-02.10:00:40 by kowey.

msg13279 (view) Author: dagit Date: 2010-12-01.17:54:52
Git supports giving remote branches a name that can be referred to later 
when doing a push or pull.

Darcs tracks URLs of branches that have been used in the past.  It would be 
nice if the user could easily specify these by name or selecting from a 
list or ...
msg13280 (view) Author: kowey Date: 2010-12-02.10:00:38
This has been frequently requested.  I've wanted it myself at times.  
But I'm also a bit skeptical (feature creep consists of one good feature 
followed by another...).

Anyway, it (need-action) requires some UI thinking, the kind that could 
pass Rational Skeptic (formerly Grumpy Old Man - I still like the old 
name) muster.  It may be worth considering the new _darcs/authors UI for 
Date User Action Args
2010-12-01 17:54:53dagitcreate
2010-12-02 10:00:40koweysetstatus: unknown -> needs-reproduction
topic: + UI
messages: + msg13280
title: Wishlist: Ability to name remote branches for easy interaction later -> ability to name remote branches for easy interaction later