
Issue 2037 hunk-editor + k => Error applying (2.7)

Title hunk-editor + k => Error applying (2.7)
Priority bug Status given-up
Milestone Resolved in
Superseder Nosy List kowey
Assigned To kowey

Created on 2011-01-24.16:55:56 by kowey, last changed 2017-07-31.00:23:31 by gh.

msg13577 (view) Author: kowey Date: 2011-01-24.16:55:55
I hope I can can the repo sometime, but I know that some sequence of 
wanting to record a hunk, then changing my mind and hitting k to go up 
to revisit it, then hunk-editing it lead to this result...

When I tried again without changing my mind, it worked.

Hopefully I'll be able to make this something more reproducible

Shall I record this change? (18/18)  [ynW...], or ? for more options: n
What is the patch name? Modernise vector usage (from uvector).
Do you want to add a long comment? [yn]y
WARNING: Doing a one-time conversion of pristine format.
This may take a while. The new format is backwards-compatible.
Pristine conversion done...

darcs failed:  ### Error applying:
hunk ./corpus-building/nltg-hillwalking.cabal 96
-             ,       statistics == 0.4.*
-             ,       uvector    == 0.1.*
+             ,       statistics == 0.8.*
### to file ./corpus-building/nltg-hillwalking.cabal:
name:                nltg-hillwalking
version:             0.2
synopsis:            Tools for retrieving articles from Wikimedia 
category:            Natural Language Processing
license:             BSD3
license-file:        LICENSE
author:              Eric Kow
maintainer:          <E.Y.Kow@brighton.ac.uk>
cabal-version:       >= 1.8

build-Depends: base == 4.2.*
             , HUnit == 1.2.*
             , QuickCheck == 2.1.*
             , test-framework       == 0.2.*
             , test-framework-hunit == 0.2.*
             , test-framework-quickcheck2 == 0.2.*
             , directory == 1.0.*
             , filepath == 1.1.*
             , cmdargs   == 0.6.*
             , utf8-string == 0.3.*
             , json == 0.4.*
             , parsec == 2.1.*
             , split == 0.1.*
             , utf8-string == 0.3.*
             , parallel   == 2.2.*
             , bytestring == 0.9.*

-- this is only Custom so that we can run tests
build-type:          Custom
executable:          test
main-is:             test.hs
ghc-options:         -Wall

executable:          get-hillinfo
main-is:             get-hillinfo.hs
ghc-options:         -Wall
build-Depends:       csv == 0.1.*

executable:          search-for-articles
main-is:             search-for-articles.hs
ghc-options:         -Wall
build-Depends:       mediawiki >= 0.2.5 && < 0.3
                   , pretty    == 1.0.*
                   , unix      == 2.4.*

executable:          retrieve-articles
main-is:             retrieve-articles.hs
ghc-options:         -Wall
build-Depends:       mediawiki >= 0.2.5 && < 0.3
                   , unix      == 2.4.*
                   , url == 2.1.*

executable:          strip-mediawiki
main-is:             strip-mediawiki.hs
ghc-options:         -Wall
build-Depends:       pandoc-mw == 1.5.*
             ,       mtl == 1.1.*, network == 2.2.*

executable:          take-sentences
main-is:             take-sentences.hs
ghc-options:         -Wall
build-Depends:       pandoc-mw == 1.5.*
             ,       mtl == 1.1.*
             ,       network == 2.2.*
             ,       fullstop == 0.1.*

executable:          create-nlg-input
main-is:             create-nlg-input.hs
ghc-options:         -Wall

executable:          flatten-data
main-is:             flatten-data.hs
ghc-options:         -Wall

executable:          tokenise-sentences
main-is:             tokenise-sentences.hs
ghc-options:         -Wall
build-Depends:       ListZipper == 1.1.*

executable:          dump-smt-corpus
main-is:             dump-smt-corpus.hs
ghc-options:         -Wall

executable:          reverse-geocode
main-is:             reverse-geocode.hs
ghc-options:         -Wall
build-Depends:       process == 1.0.*

executable:          align-sentences
main-is:             align-sentences.hs
ghc-options:         -Wall
build-Depends:       containers == 0.3.*
             ,       statistics == 0.4.*
             ,       uvector    == 0.1.*
             ,       array      == 0.3.*

executable:          count-matches
main-is:             count-matches.hs
ghc-options:         -Wall

executable:          llr-to-probs
main-is:             llr-to-probs.hs
ghc-options:         -Wall
build-Depends:       containers == 0.3.*
             ,       statistics == 0.4.*
             ,       uvector    == 0.1.*
             ,       array      == 0.3.*

executable:          detect-fragments
main-is:             detect-fragments.hs
ghc-options:         -Wall
build-Depends:       containers == 0.3.*
             ,       statistics == 0.4.*
             ,       uvector    == 0.1.*
             ,       array      == 0.3.*

executable:          build-llr-lexicon
main-is:             build-llr-lexicon.hs
ghc-options:         -Wall
build-Depends:       containers == 0.3.*
             ,       statistics == 0.4.*
             ,       uvector    == 0.1.*
             ,       array      == 0.3.*
ghc-options:         -O -threaded

executable:          from-handwritten
main-is:             from-handwritten.hs
ghc-options:         -Wall
build-Depends:       containers == 0.3.*

executable:          create-baseline
main-is:             create-baseline.hs
ghc-options:         -Wall

executable:          dice-scores
main-is:             dice-scores.hs
ghc-options:         -Wall
build-Depends:       containers == 0.3.*
msg13578 (view) Author: kowey Date: 2011-01-24.16:57:31
The rough nature of the changes is to go from statistics 0.4 to 0.8 and 
uvector 0.1 to vector 0.7 or nothing at all.  I was trying to record just 
the vector stuff and so I'd edit out the statistics changes in the hunk 
Date User Action Args
2011-01-24 16:55:56koweycreate
2011-01-24 16:57:32koweysetmessages: + msg13578
2017-07-31 00:23:31ghsetstatus: waiting-for -> given-up