
Issue 2122 Under MS Windows pulling the same repo may lead to an error on DeleteFile

Title Under MS Windows pulling the same repo may lead to an error on DeleteFile
Priority Status given-up
Milestone Resolved in
Superseder Nosy List mulander
Assigned To

Created on 2012-01-12.20:59:24 by mulander, last changed 2017-07-31.00:31:57 by gh.

msg14986 (view) Author: mulander Date: 2012-01-12.20:59:23
I created 2 directories D:\darcs and D:\darcs2.
I ran darcs get --lazy http://darcs.net/screened in the D:\darcs directory and started the same command in the 
second directory after maybe half a minute.

This resulted in darcs displaying an error because the file it tried to delete was reserved by Windows due to 
being open by another process.

I expect directories to be isolated from each other - using a system wide directory may lead to hard to detect 
problems and in case of Windows - simply fail due to file reservation.

In my case one of the binaries is stuck doing nothing even though it got correctly canceled with C-c which 
resulted in me being my given my shell back.

D:\darcs2>darcs get --lazy http://darcs.net/screened
Welcome to the darcs screened repository.

If you would like to contribute, please read our guide for contributors:

Thanks and happy hacking!
darcs: DeleteFile "C:\\Users\\mulander\\AppData\\Roaming\\darcs\\cache/pristine.
hashed/51292694361a854348055e820470e3aaf063b0269bdb9ae797a6bae822bf2782": permis
sion denied (Proces nie mo|e uzyska dost↓pu do pliku, poniewa| jest on u|ywany p
rzez inny proces.)
Date User Action Args
2012-01-12 20:59:24mulandercreate
2017-07-31 00:31:57ghsetstatus: unknown -> given-up