
Issue 2146 Allow color for prompts

Title Allow color for prompts
Priority feature Status needs-diagnosis/design
Milestone Resolved in
Superseder Nosy List mndrix
Assigned To
Topics UI

Created on 2012-02-24.18:57:20 by mndrix, last changed 2012-02-26.08:42:46 by kowey.

msg15166 (view) Author: mndrix Date: 2012-02-24.18:57:19
Let users choose to have all darcs prompts displayed in color.  This could 
be done as part of DARCS_DO_COLOR_LINES or some other configuration 

During a long interactive session, `darcs changes -i` for example, having 
colored prompts can help break up the output and makes it easier to find 
previous prompt responses.

I have a nasty hack of a patch in my personal darcs repository that does 
this.  Over the last week, I've found it makes for a pleasant UI.
msg15174 (view) Author: kowey Date: 2012-02-26.08:42:44
Thanks for trying it out, and for the hints about how it affects darcs 
usage.  This one may be worth a little bit more of that 

Nothing major, just making sure we try to peek around the corner and see 
if there's any unforeseen interaction/consequence we might not have 
otherwise anticipated.  One worry might be what happens on Windows.

Having an implementation for this already is nice because at least we 
avoid getting caught in that should-we-shouldnt-we-I-give-up
Date User Action Args
2012-02-24 18:57:20mndrixcreate
2012-02-26 08:42:46koweysetpriority: feature
status: unknown -> needs-diagnosis/design
topic: + UI
messages: + msg15174