
Issue 2174 release repo could use email pref

Title release repo could use email pref
Priority bug Status resolved
Milestone Resolved in
Superseder Nosy List fx
Assigned To
Topics Devel

Created on 2012-04-01.19:16:12 by fx, last changed 2012-04-04.16:34:05 by kowey.

msg15508 (view) Author: fx Date: 2012-04-01.19:16:11
The screened repo has an email prefs file, but the 2.8 release one
doesn't, and probably should.
msg15527 (view) Author: kowey Date: 2012-04-04.16:34:03
Thanks! Hmm, we need at the very least to capture a recipe for making 
release branches on the wiki (things like setting up milestones on the 
trackers, updating the roundup-darcs integration defauts, etc)
Date User Action Args
2012-04-01 19:16:12fxcreate
2012-04-04 16:34:05koweysetpriority: bug
status: unknown -> resolved
topic: + Devel
messages: + msg15527