
Issue 2281 obliterate --dry-run: AVOID: darcs failed: Can't obliterate patch without reverting some unrecorded change.

Title obliterate --dry-run: AVOID: darcs failed: Can't obliterate patch without reverting some unrecorded change.
Priority feature Status needs-diagnosis/design
Milestone Resolved in
Superseder Nosy List markstos
Assigned To
Topics UI

Created on 2012-12-17.18:48:19 by markstos, last changed 2013-02-16.08:31:13 by kowey.

msg16424 (view) Author: markstos Date: 2012-12-17.18:48:17
1. Summarise the issue (what were doing, what went wrong?)

I tried:

  darcs obilterate --dry-run, which resulted in:

"darcs failed:  Can't obliterate patch without reverting some unrecorded 

2. What behaviour were you expecting instead?

I already knew there was a conflict with unrecorded changes. I was trying 
to use "--dry-run" so that I could parse out the file names from the 50 
patches involved to narrow down where the conflict with "whatsnew" was, 
since darcs wasn't telling me.

I see no read for darcs to "fail" in this case. It seems more useful to 
print the --dry-run report even if there are conflicts with unrecorded 

3. What darcs version are you using? (Try: darcs --exact-version)

darcs 2.9.6.
msg16617 (view) Author: kowey Date: 2013-02-16.08:31:11
UI question:

1. do we want --dry-run to behave like obliterate would, or to be more 
adventurous; what's the design principle?

2. is this feasible, implementation wise (guess so, it would be 
basically getting it to show what would happen if user had done the 

3. FUTURE GARDENER: please re-read Mark's message.  He's trying to do 
something and obliterate --dry-run may not be best way.  Does darcs 
offer alterative solutions? Should it?
Date User Action Args
2012-12-17 18:48:19markstoscreate
2013-02-16 08:31:13koweysetpriority: feature
status: unknown -> needs-diagnosis/design
topic: + UI
messages: + msg16617
title: darcs obliterate --dry-run fails with "darcs failed: Can't obliterate patch without reverting some unrecorded change. " -> obliterate --dry-run: AVOID: darcs failed: Can't obliterate patch without reverting some unrecorded change.