
Issue 2340 Invoking darcs on Windows with "--repodir='WINDOWSPATH'" fails when WINDOWSPATH is in single quotes

Title Invoking darcs on Windows with "--repodir='WINDOWSPATH'" fails when WINDOWSPATH is in single quotes
Priority bug Status given-up
Milestone Resolved in
Superseder Nosy List jchanco
Assigned To

Created on 2013-08-19.17:49:48 by jchanco, last changed 2017-07-31.01:13:45 by gh.

msg16992 (view) Author: jchanco Date: 2013-08-19.17:49:47
Invoking darcs on Windows with "--repodir='WINDOWSPATH'" fails when 
WINDOWSPATH is in single quotes.  
The error is 
"darcs failed: can't set directory to 'WINDOWSPATH'"

The darcs version is 2.8.1 windows binary (from darcs.net)

This came up when setting up a darcs repository on a Windows machine and 
then pushing/pulling remotely via ssh (using Bitvise SSH server). "pull" 
works, but "push" seems to automatically add single quotes around the 
path name (I can see the actual command in the ssh logs). 
Our current work around is a wrapp (we're using Active Directory 
authentication)er script on the Windows side that strips off the single 
quotes (there are no spaces in the path name), but this seems to 
interfere with darcs' ssh interaction, and the password (we're using 
Active Directory authentication) needs to be entered 6-12 times (instead 
of the usual 2).
Date User Action Args
2013-08-19 17:49:48jchancocreate
2017-07-31 01:13:45ghsetstatus: unknown -> given-up