
Issue 2366 cannot build screened: hashed-storage-0.5.11 not available

Title cannot build screened: hashed-storage-0.5.11 not available
Priority Status resolved
Milestone Resolved in
Superseder Nosy List bfrk
Assigned To

Created on 2014-04-02.17:09:49 by bfrk, last changed 2014-05-18.00:26:13 by gh.

msg17250 (view) Author: bfrk Date: 2014-04-02.17:09:47
1. Summarise the issue (what were doing, what went wrong?)
msg17252 (view) Author: bfrk Date: 2014-04-03.10:45:56
Sorry, my description was eaten somewhere between browser and bug
tracker. Had that problem before, I forgot that must use firefox and
*not* konqueror.

ANyway I found the solution on the mailing list: the bundled version of
hashed-storage has the right version. With the new cabal sandbox feature
this is very easy to do:

cabal sandbox init
cabal sandbox add-source hashed-storage
cabal install

A note in the README that shows these commands would be helpful.
msg17458 (view) Author: gh Date: 2014-05-18.00:26:11
I think it was fixed by:

Tue Apr 22 14:55:40 ART 2014  Ganesh Sittampalam <ganesh@earth.li>
  * dumb merge of hashed-storage.cabal etc into darcs.cabal
Date User Action Args
2014-04-02 17:09:49bfrkcreate
2014-04-03 10:45:58bfrksetmessages: + msg17252
2014-05-18 00:26:13ghsetstatus: unknown -> resolved
messages: + msg17458