
Issue 243 invalid pending (1.0.3)

Title invalid pending (1.0.3)
Priority bug Status resolved
Milestone Resolved in
Superseder Nosy List christophe.poucet, darcs-devel, dmitry.kurochkin, kowey, thorkilnaur, tommy
Assigned To

Created on 2006-08-13.13:57:54 by christophe.poucet, last changed 2009-08-27.13:48:21 by admin.

msg903 (view) Author: christophe.poucet Date: 2006-08-13.13:57:48

I got the following bug when trying to do a push from my reiserfs to my
usbstick (which I think is FAT):
Shall I pull this patch? (1/128) [ynWvpxqadjk], or ? for help: a
darcs: bug in darcs!
There was an attempt to write an invalid pending!
If possible, please send the contents of _darcs/patches/pending_buggy
along with a bug report.
Please report this to bugs@darcs.net
If possible include the output of 'darcs --exact-version'.

I will give the pending_buggy in short version as the code that is contained
in the files is proprietary.  Therefore I have removed all the lines starting
with - or +:

move ./src/AST ./src/Core
adddir ./src/AST
hunk ./src/AST/AST.hs 7
hunk ./src/AST/AST.hs 10
hunk ./src/AST/AST.hs 23
hunk ./src/AST/AST.hs 29
hunk ./src/AST/AST.hs 39
hunk ./src/AST/AST.hs 42
hunk ./src/AST/AST.hs 44
hunk ./src/AST/AST.hs 51
hunk ./src/AST/AST.hs 55
hunk ./src/AST/AST.hs 65
hunk ./src/AST/AST.hs 67
hunk ./src/AST/AST.hs 118
addfile ./src/AST/AST.hs
hunk ./src/AST/AST.hs 1
hunk ./src/AST/AST.hs 1
rmfile ./src/AST/AST.hs
hunk ./src/AST/Ident.hs 1
addfile ./src/AST/Instances.hs
hunk ./src/AST/Located.hs 1
hunk ./src/AST/Typing.hs 1
hunk ./src/AST/Typing.hs 4
rmdir ./src/AST
move ./src/Core ./src/AST
hunk ./src/Compiler/AST.hs 1
rmfile ./src/Compiler/AST.hs

vincenz@abstractlappy:~/work/private$ darcs --exact-version
darcs compiled on Sep 14 2005, at 18:52:22
# configured Tue May 24 18:34:35 EDT 2005
sh ./configure


[TAG 1.0.3
Tomasz Zielonka <tomasz.zielonka@gmail.com>**20050524215127]

With regards,
msg904 (view) Author: kowey Date: 2006-08-13.16:11:52
I might be mistaken, but I think I've heard of buggy_pending bugs being fixed
since 1.0.3.

Can you retry your code reorganisation in darcs 1.0.8, as well as the push to
see if you still get an invalid pending?  Just doing the push with the new darcs
isn't likely to work because the pending is already bad.
msg1342 (view) Author: droundy Date: 2006-12-17.22:28:07
With the buggy pending changes that have been made recently, I recommend closing
this bug, which is versus a rather old version of darcs.

Date User Action Args
2006-08-13 13:57:54christophe.poucetcreate
2006-08-13 16:11:56koweysetstatus: unread -> unknown
nosy: + kowey
messages: + msg904
title: Bug: invalid pending -> invalide pending (1.0.3)
2006-08-13 16:14:38koweysetnosy: droundy, tommy, kowey, christophe.poucet
title: invalide pending (1.0.3) -> invalid pending (1.0.3)
2006-12-17 22:28:08droundysetnosy: droundy, tommy, kowey, christophe.poucet
messages: + msg1342
2006-12-17 23:11:19droundysetstatus: unknown -> resolved
nosy: droundy, tommy, kowey, christophe.poucet
2009-08-06 17:38:21adminsetnosy: + markstos, jast, Serware, dmitry.kurochkin, darcs-devel, zooko, dagit, mornfall, simon, beschmi, thorkilnaur, - droundy, christophe.poucet
2009-08-06 20:51:26adminsetnosy: - beschmi
2009-08-10 21:54:35adminsetnosy: + christophe.poucet, - markstos, darcs-devel, zooko, jast, dagit, Serware, mornfall
2009-08-25 17:51:57adminsetnosy: + darcs-devel, - simon
2009-08-27 13:48:21adminsetnosy: tommy, kowey, darcs-devel, christophe.poucet, thorkilnaur, dmitry.kurochkin