
Issue 3 Another test

Title Another test
Priority bug Status unknown
Milestone Resolved in
Superseder Nosy List dmitry.kurochkin, droundy, jch, kowey, simon, thorkilnaur
Assigned To jch
Topics Windows

Created on 2005-10-29.21:21:40 by jch, last changed 2009-08-06.12:37:53 by admin.

msg12 (view) Author: jch Date: 2005-10-29.21:21:40
How painful can submitting a new bug be?
msg14 (view) Author: droundy Date: 2005-10-30.13:13:23
I decided this test will be windows-specific...
Date User Action Args
2005-10-29 21:21:40jchcreate
2005-10-30 13:13:23droundysettopic: + Windows
status: unread -> unknown
messages: + msg14
nosy: + droundy
2005-11-01 12:38:56droundysetpriority: wishlist -> bug
2005-11-01 12:52:22adminretired
2009-08-06 12:37:48adminrestored
2009-08-06 12:37:53adminsetnosy: + dmitry.kurochkin, simon, kowey, thorkilnaur
2009-08-06 13:18:12adminretired