
Issue 399 ssh authentication problems

Title ssh authentication problems
Priority not-our-bug Status resolved
Milestone Resolved in
Superseder Nosy List AlexNUS, beschmi, darcs-devel, dmitry.kurochkin, kowey, thorkilnaur, tim, tommy
Assigned To
Topics SSH

Created on 2007-01-25.09:04:35 by AlexNUS, last changed 2009-10-24.00:42:53 by admin.

msg1436 (view) Author: AlexNUS Date: 2007-01-25.09:04:27
I installed darcs-1.0.8-1.fc4 and darcs-server-1.0.8-1.fc4; when doing a
checkout over ssh:
  darcs get user@server:path
the password I enter doesn't verify for that user.

Also version 1.0.7 for Win32 without Cygwin freezes when attempting same 
thing, after asking for password two times, and outputing:
  darcsabfd60               |          0 kB |   0.2 kB/s | ETA: 00:00:00 | 100%
msg1437 (view) Author: tim Date: 2007-01-25.17:47:08
On 1/25/07, AlexandruS <bugs@darcs.net> wrote:
> New submission from AlexandruS <alexandr@comp.nus.edu.sg>:
> I installed darcs-1.0.8-1.fc4 and darcs-server-1.0.8-1.fc4; when doing a
> checkout over ssh:
>   darcs get user@server:path
> the password I enter doesn't verify for that user.

I recommend setting up public key authentication for ssh if you can. I
think the darcs manual talks about how to do that.

> Also version 1.0.7 for Win32 without Cygwin freezes when attempting same
> thing, after asking for password two times, and outputing:
>   darcsabfd60               |          0 kB |   0.2 kB/s | ETA: 00:00:00 | 100%

Did you follow the Win32-specific instructions on the darcs wiki about
setting up your PATH to point to the right version of ssh? I know that
tripped me up.
msg1441 (view) Author: AlexNUS Date: 2007-01-28.06:21:46
Thanks for the advice.
The Win32 version seems to work with ssh public keys and Pageant.
But in Unix, just can't setup the use of ssh pub keys, for ssh-agent, ssh-add
displays this:
"Could not open a connection to your authentication agent."

Does darcs work under Unix just with ssh public keys (no support for simple
password auth.)?
msg1537 (view) Author: kowey Date: 2007-03-10.15:24:20

I do this:
 eval `ssh-agent -t 1000`
 darcs get...
 ssh-agent -k

(This sets up an ssh-agent for 1000 seconds in case I forget to kill it)

Does this solve the  problem for you?

Darcs does work with simple authentication, by the way, although in some cases,
it might hang.
msg2032 (view) Author: kowey Date: 2007-08-09.06:10:24
Tentatively marking as resolved.  Let us know if you have any more trouble.
Date User Action Args
2007-01-25 09:04:35AlexNUScreate
2007-01-25 17:47:15catamorphismsetstatus: unread -> unknown
nosy: + catamorphism
messages: + msg1437
2007-01-28 06:21:58AlexNUSsetnosy: droundy, tommy, beschmi, kowey, catamorphism, AlexNUS
messages: + msg1441
2007-03-10 15:24:29koweysetpriority: bug -> not-our-bug
topic: + SSH
title: 'darcs get' with ssh -> ssh authentication problems
messages: + msg1537
nosy: droundy, tommy, beschmi, kowey, catamorphism, AlexNUS
2007-08-09 06:10:25koweysetstatus: unknown -> resolved
nosy: droundy, tommy, beschmi, kowey, catamorphism, AlexNUS
messages: + msg2032
2009-08-06 17:47:33adminsetnosy: + markstos, jast, Serware, dmitry.kurochkin, darcs-devel, zooko, dagit, mornfall, simon, thorkilnaur, - droundy, catamorphism, AlexNUS
2009-08-10 22:01:19adminsetnosy: + AlexNUS, catamorphism, - markstos, darcs-devel, zooko, jast, dagit, Serware, mornfall
2009-08-25 17:59:18adminsetnosy: + darcs-devel, - simon
2009-08-27 13:51:20adminsetnosy: tommy, beschmi, kowey, darcs-devel, catamorphism, AlexNUS, thorkilnaur, dmitry.kurochkin
2009-10-24 00:42:53adminsetnosy: + tim, - catamorphism