
Patch 588 Implicitly use unified diff, unless told not to.

Title Implicitly use unified diff, unless told not to.
Superseder resolve issue2052: Implicitly use unifie... (and 2 more)
View: 589
Nosy List owst
Related Issues
Status obsoleted Assigned To

Created on 2011-04-06.21:39:09 by owst, last changed 2011-04-07.11:31:50 by owst.

File name Status Uploaded Type Edit Remove
implicitly-use-unified-diff_-unless-told-not-to_.dpatch owst, 2011-04-06.21:39:08 application/x-darcs-patch
unnamed owst, 2011-04-06.21:39:08 text/x-darcs-patch
unnamed owst, 2011-04-06.21:39:08
See mailing list archives for discussion on individual patches.
msg13908 (view) Author: owst Date: 2011-04-06.21:39:08
1 patch for repository http://darcs.net/screened:

Wed Apr  6 22:20:41 BST 2011  Owen Stephens <darcs@owenstephens.co.uk>
  * Implicitly use unified diff, unless told not to.
msg13911 (view) Author: kowey Date: 2011-04-07.11:00:31
On Wed, Apr 06, 2011 at 21:39:09 +0000, Owen Stephens wrote:
> Wed Apr  6 22:20:41 BST 2011  Owen Stephens <darcs@owenstephens.co.uk>
>   * Implicitly use unified diff, unless told not to.

Is there any reason ever to emit normal diff output (as opposed to

I'd be happier to just kill options outright if nobody is ever going to
need them (the resulting --unified would be recognised but have no effect,
could have help text that says so at first, but in the long run, use
a cmdlib's hidden flag feature)

Eric Kow <http://www.nltg.brighton.ac.uk/home/Eric.Kow>
For a faster response, try +44 (0)1273 64 2905 or
xmpp:kowey@jabber.fr (Jabber or Google Talk only)
msg13912 (view) Author: gh Date: 2011-04-07.11:26:10
I agree about just removing non-unified diff.

Subversion, Mercurial and Git use unified diffs by default, the last
two provide an option to improve the number of lines in the context.

Date User Action Args
2011-04-06 21:39:09owstcreate
2011-04-06 21:48:16owstsetstatus: needs-screening -> followup-in-progress
2011-04-07 01:30:59owstsetstatus: followup-in-progress -> obsoleted
2011-04-07 11:00:32koweysetmessages: + msg13911
2011-04-07 11:26:11ghsetmessages: + msg13912
2011-04-07 11:31:50owstsetsuperseder: + resolve issue2052: Implicitly use unifie... (and 2 more)