
Patch 682 Test case for argument handling

Title Test case for argument handling
Superseder Nosy List stulli
Related Issues
Status accepted Assigned To

Created on 2011-12-28.23:20:31 by stulli, last changed 2012-01-01.22:18:43 by stulli. Tracked on DarcsWatch.

File name Status Uploaded Type Edit Remove
patch-preview.txt kowey, 2011-12-29.13:25:31 text/x-darcs-patch
test-case-for-argument-handling.dpatch stulli, 2011-12-28.23:20:30 text/x-darcs-patch
test-case-for-argument-handling.dpatch kowey, 2011-12-29.13:25:31 application/x-darcs-patch
unnamed stulli, 2011-12-28.23:20:30
unnamed kowey, 2011-12-29.13:25:31
See mailing list archives for discussion on individual patches.
msg14888 (view) Author: stulli Date: 2011-12-28.23:20:30
I'm not entirely sure how this should be organized. It's probably not a good idea to test all commands or options in a single script. Any suggestions are welcome.

1 patch for repository http://darcs.net/screened:

Thu Dec 29 00:09:05 CET 2011  andreas.brandt.de@googlemail.com
  * Test case for argument handling
  This script currently tests if the --index option is recognized by every command that should support it.
  The long term plan is to test all commands with all supported options here.
msg14905 (view) Author: kowey Date: 2011-12-29.13:25:31
Thanks Andreas!  I agree that a generic test for the index flag could
be useful so I'm going to screen (and later review these).

You might want to have a look at

For darcs hackers: I'm trying to train myself not to let minor conventions get
in the way of people getting their patches accepted.  Sure it's something we
expect long term contributors to follow to smooth things out, but new
developers should just get friendly pointers, plus follow-ups of our own to
show by example.

2 patches for repository darcs-unstable@darcs.net:screened:

Wed Dec 28 23:09:05 GMT 2011  andreas.brandt.de@googlemail.com
  * Test case for argument handling
  This script currently tests if the --index option is recognized by every command that should support it.
  The long term plan is to test all commands with all supported options here.

Thu Dec 29 13:19:14 GMT 2011  Eric Kow <kowey@darcs.net>
  * Rename --index tests to be a bit more specific.
msg14907 (view) Author: darcswatch Date: 2011-12-29.13:45:21
This patch bundle (with 1 patches) was just applied to the repository http://darcs.net/screened.
This message was brought to you by DarcsWatch
msg14915 (view) Author: kowey Date: 2011-12-31.16:55:30
Seems handy enough.  The tests could maybe work a little harder to make 
sure that something useful actually happens.  Right now, they just check 
for exit status.

Would be nice perhaps to think of a way of systematically doing this.  
Not full automation, mind you, but maybe a way to get a sense of the 
disconnect between what we claim to support and what we actually do.

Andreas, I assume you're OK with the MIT style copyright as I've stuck a 
header on the file on your behalf.  Please let us know if this is not 
the case.
msg14916 (view) Author: darcswatch Date: 2011-12-31.17:05:51
This patch bundle (with 1 patches) was just applied to the repository http://darcs.net/reviewed.
This message was brought to you by DarcsWatch
msg14943 (view) Author: stulli Date: 2012-01-01.22:18:43
I plan to add further simple test cases for other flags and after that
i'll think about checking the actual results.
Thanks for your feedback, seems like working on this is a good way to
spend my time.

> I assume you're OK with the MIT style copyright

Yes, that's fine by me.
Date User Action Args
2011-12-28 23:20:31stullicreate
2011-12-28 23:21:38darcswatchsetdarcswatchurl: http://darcswatch.nomeata.de/repo_http:__darcs.net_reviewed.html#bundle-9a8feb38903313a827c86215b1a4a97b446b1d6f
2011-12-29 13:25:31koweysetfiles: + patch-preview.txt, test-case-for-argument-handling.dpatch, unnamed
messages: + msg14905
2011-12-29 13:45:21darcswatchsetstatus: needs-screening -> needs-review
messages: + msg14907
2011-12-31 16:55:31koweysetmessages: + msg14915
2011-12-31 16:55:57koweysetstatus: needs-review -> accepted
2011-12-31 17:05:51darcswatchsetmessages: + msg14916
2012-01-01 22:18:43stullisetmessages: + msg14943