
Patch 94 resolve issue1392: use parsec to parse .authorspelling

Title resolve issue1392: use parsec to parse .authorspelling
Superseder Nosy List caitt, darcs-users, ganesh
Related Issues Use Parsec for .authorspellings
View: 1392
Status accepted Assigned To ganesh

Created on 2009-11-21.23:39:16 by caitt, last changed 2011-05-10.22:36:16 by darcswatch. Tracked on DarcsWatch.

File name Status Uploaded Type Edit Remove
resolve-issue1392_-use-parsec-to-parse-_authorspelling.dpatch caitt, 2009-11-21.23:39:13 text/x-darcs-patch
unnamed caitt, 2009-11-21.23:39:13 text/plain
See mailing list archives for discussion on individual patches.
msg9439 (view) Author: caitt Date: 2009-11-21.23:39:13
Sun Nov 22 00:26:31 CET 2009  caitt@users.sourceforge.net
  * resolve issue1392: use parsec to parse .authorspelling
  .authorspelling file is now parsed using parsec.
  Parser reports errors (only affected line is discarded).
  Added escaping of commas.
msg9440 (view) Author: darcswatch Date: 2009-11-21.23:42:52
This patch bundle (with 1 patch), which can be  applied to the repository http://darcs.net/ is now tracked  on DarcsWatch at http://darcswatch.nomeata.de/repo_http:__darcs.net_.html
msg9541 (view) Author: ganesh Date: 2009-12-06.01:35:11
I think this looks good. As it completely changes the handling of
.authorspellings, could you confirm that you expect it to be
backwards-compatible with old .authorspellings files. Also I guess you've tested
it on at least the darcs repo's .authorspellings file - any others?
msg9565 (view) Author: caitt Date: 2009-12-08.22:11:58
2009/12/6 Ganesh Sittampalam <bugs@darcs.net>:
> Ganesh Sittampalam <ganesh@earth.li> added the comment:
> I think this looks good. As it completely changes the handling of
> .authorspellings, could you confirm that you expect it to be
> backwards-compatible with old .authorspellings files. Also I guess you've tested
> it on at least the darcs repo's .authorspellings file - any others?

Yes, I am expecting the changes to be backwards-compatible and I have
tested them on darcs repo only.

The only difference other than handling commas should be requiring
email (anything in angle brackets) in the canonical part of line. My
understanding is that original docs required that too, but
implementation did not (there is no such line in darcs repo
.authorspelling file). Dunno if it was a feature or a bug :-).

Tomas Caithaml

Don't anthropomorphize computers. They hate it when you do that.
msg9609 (view) Author: ganesh Date: 2009-12-13.21:39:12
I'm trying to apply this patch now, but it conflicts badly with another patch
that camel cases a bunch of symbols in ShowAuthors, using replace. The problem
is that your patch also camel cases several symbols but manually.

I can resolve the conflicts by hand, but I'd really rather not. Is it ok if I
amend your patch not to have conflicts and apply that (or alternatively could
you resubmit it against latest darcs-unstable?)
msg9650 (view) Author: caitt Date: 2009-12-19.22:30:31
2009/12/13 Ganesh Sittampalam <bugs@darcs.net>:
> Ganesh Sittampalam <ganesh@earth.li> added the comment:
> I'm trying to apply this patch now, but it conflicts badly with another patch
> that camel cases a bunch of symbols in ShowAuthors, using replace. The problem
> is that your patch also camel cases several symbols but manually.
> I can resolve the conflicts by hand, but I'd really rather not. Is it ok if I
> amend your patch not to have conflicts and apply that (or alternatively could
> you resubmit it against latest darcs-unstable?)

Sorry, for my late response. I am quite busy lately. I don't mind if
you amend my patch and I won't definitely get to darcs hacking before
Christmas, so this would be probably the best solution.
msg9653 (view) Author: ganesh Date: 2009-12-20.22:59:23
Thanks, have amended and pushed now.
Date User Action Args
2009-11-21 23:39:16caittcreate
2009-11-21 23:42:53darcswatchsetmessages: + msg9440
2009-12-05 22:57:04ganeshsetissues: + Use Parsec for .authorspellings
2009-12-06 01:35:14ganeshsetstatus: needs-review -> review-in-progress
nosy: + ganesh
messages: + msg9541
assignedto: ganesh
2009-12-08 22:12:02caittsetmessages: + msg9565
2009-12-08 22:32:14ganeshsetstatus: review-in-progress -> accepted-pending-tests
2009-12-13 21:39:14ganeshsetmessages: + msg9609
2009-12-19 22:30:32caittsetmessages: + msg9650
2009-12-20 22:59:24ganeshsetstatus: accepted-pending-tests -> accepted
messages: + msg9653
2011-05-10 22:36:16darcswatchsetdarcswatchurl: http://darcswatch.nomeata.de/repo_http:__darcs.net_reviewed.html#bundle-e9ba1f1a1112bb8ba5a03fd5adc613f6528ca767