
Issue 1048 differentiate between matching patches and dependencies when using --match

Title differentiate between matching patches and dependencies when using --match
Priority wishlist Status needs-implementation
Milestone Resolved in
Superseder Nosy List Serware, darcs-devel, dmitry.kurochkin, galbolle, kowey, thorkilnaur
Assigned To
Topics Matchers

Created on 2008-08-30.12:55:51 by galbolle, last changed 2022-04-12.15:00:24 by bfrk.

File name Uploaded Type Edit Remove
backlog galbolle, 2008-08-30.12:55:45 application/text
msg5815 (view) Author: galbolle Date: 2008-08-30.12:55:45
when pulling using --intersection and --match 'touch file', darcs leaves some
patches which are common to both repositories. These patches show through darcs
pull --match 'touch file' on each repository. They even show up by running the
command with --intersection a second time.

The offending repository is visible at
and a backlog of the commands I ran is attached.
msg5846 (view) Author: galbolle Date: 2008-08-31.18:19:57
Actually, the reason these patch show is that they don't match the match
criterion, but depend on different patches that do in each directory. This is
not a bug as such, but can be confusing.

This does however lead to a feature wish: when using --match, the interface
should  make clear which patch match the criterion and which are proposed
because of dependencies. It should also be possible to automatically answer 'w'
to all patches that do not match, but are depended upon, so that one chooses
between the matching patches.
msg6308 (view) Author: galbolle Date: 2008-10-11.11:15:16
--dont-prompt-for-deps does the first half of this, but it is not explicit about
patches which will get pulled because of dependencies, it pulls them silently.
We need to offer a review of what will be effectively pulled/sent/… especially
when the user has used --dont-prompt-for-deps or 'w' at the interactive screen.
msg8525 (view) Author: kowey Date: 2009-08-27.01:31:11
Still working on this, Florent?  Just checking :-)
Date User Action Args
2008-08-30 12:55:51galbollecreate
2008-08-31 18:19:59galbollesetpriority: bug -> not-our-bug
nosy: kowey, dagit, Serware, galbolle
status: unread -> unknown
messages: + msg5846
2008-08-31 18:20:21galbollesetpriority: not-our-bug -> wishlist
nosy: kowey, dagit, Serware, galbolle
2008-08-31 18:21:02galbollesetnosy: kowey, dagit, Serware, galbolle
title: --intersection and --match 'touch file' make darcs pull non-idempotent. -> differentiate between matching patches and dependencies when using --match
2008-08-31 18:26:31koweysettopic: + FauxBug
nosy: kowey, dagit, Serware, galbolle
2008-10-11 11:15:18galbollesetstatus: unknown -> has-patch
nosy: + dmitry.kurochkin, simon, thorkilnaur
messages: + msg6308
2009-08-10 23:44:28adminsetnosy: - dagit
2009-08-25 17:31:04adminsetnosy: + darcs-devel, - simon
2009-08-27 01:31:15koweysettopic: + Matchers, - FauxBug, Darcs2, IncludesExampleOrTest
nosy: kowey, darcs-devel, thorkilnaur, dmitry.kurochkin, Serware, galbolle
messages: + msg8525
2009-08-27 14:33:54adminsetnosy: kowey, darcs-devel, thorkilnaur, dmitry.kurochkin, Serware, galbolle
2009-10-23 22:44:39adminsetnosy: + serware, - Serware
2009-10-23 23:30:23adminsetnosy: + Serware, - serware
2022-04-12 15:00:24bfrksetstatus: has-patch -> needs-implementation