
Issue 1575 accept URIs for ssh repos (eg sftp://droundy@darcs.net:10022/foo/bar)

Title accept URIs for ssh repos (eg sftp://droundy@darcs.net:10022/foo/bar)
Priority feature Status resolved
Milestone Resolved in
Superseder Nosy List dagit, darcs-devel, dlambe, dmitry.kurochkin, galbolle, kowey, mae
Assigned To
Topics SSH

Created on 2009-08-27.15:37:28 by kowey, last changed 2010-11-22.09:09:29 by kowey.

msg1979 (view) Author: dlambe Date: 2007-08-02.17:16:25
> What if we were to introduce a putty-specific URL:
> putty://droundy@darcs.net:foo/bar?
> Then we wouldn't need to guess at runtime how to call ssh.

I'd suggest putty://droundy@darcs.net/foo/bar (with a slash instead of a 
colon separating host from path) in order to make it legal URL syntax.

At the risk of getting off-topic for this bug report, I'd like to 
suggest that the SSH syntax be amended to support URL style as well.  My 
reason is pragmatic: there's currently no way to describe an ssh 
repository on a non-standard port.  You have to remember to set SSH_PORT 
before running any darcs commands on that repo (and un-set it when 
you're done).  URL syntax would allow something like 
ssh://droundy@darcs.net:10022/foo/bar to be used on command lines and 
stored in prefs/repos.  The port is, afterall, a property of the remote 
repository, not of the local machine or local login session.
Dennis Lambe Jr.
Preferred Utilities

"The key to performance is elegance, not battalions of special cases."
--Jon Bentley and Doug McIlroy
msg8538 (view) Author: kowey Date: 2009-08-27.15:37:24
Splitting this off from issue504, msg1979

The reason for this would be to provide a way to describe an SSH repository on a
non-standard port.  

I'm adding Matthew to this because I figure the Patch-Tag folks would be
interested.  Dennis last volunteered to work on this in 2007 but after two
years, I think it's up for grabs :-)

Note: if it did something like this we might be able to think about simplifying
the filepath handling code since we wouldn't have to guess if we have a remote
path or not.  But a such a simplification should be treated with care because we
don't want to do it in a way that confuses some core (repo-level and down) of
Darcs.  Anyway, that's for a different ticket.
msg12343 (view) Author: jch Date: 2010-08-27.14:50:30
> I'd suggest putty://droundy@darcs.net/foo/bar (with a slash instead of a 
> colon separating host from path) in order to make it legal URL syntax.

Please take care to be compatible with the de facto standard for ssh
URLs, where a single slash means a path relative from home, while
a double slash an absolute path:




> At the risk of getting off-topic for this bug report, I'd like to 
> suggest that the SSH syntax be amended to support URL style as well.

Seconded.  Mostly because I keep getting confused (you need to use
ssh-style syntax with darcs and rsync, and URL syntax with unison).

msg12345 (view) Author: WorldMaker Date: 2010-08-27.20:10:26
On 8/26/2010 11:04, Dennis Lambe wrote:
> Dennis Lambe<dlambe@preferred-mfg.com>  added the comment:
>> What if we were to introduce a putty-specific URL:
>> putty://droundy@darcs.net:foo/bar?
>> Then we wouldn't need to guess at runtime how to call ssh.
> I'd suggest putty://droundy@darcs.net/foo/bar (with a slash instead of a
> colon separating host from path) in order to make it legal URL syntax.

A more accurate URL would be: putty://droundy@darcs.net/~/foo/bar (SSH 
path's are relative to home directory).

--Max Battcher--
msg13010 (view) Author: kowey Date: 2010-11-12.17:18:43
Florent said this was in progress (in issue1970).
msg13197 (view) Author: kowey Date: 2010-11-22.09:09:28
The following patch sent by Florent Becker <florent.becker@ens-lyon.org> 
updated issue issue1970 with
status=resolved;resolvedin=2.8.0 HEAD

* resolve issue1970: allow ssh:// urls 
Ignore-this: 90ada77620504d0e4f1183a401e47da1
Date User Action Args
2009-08-27 15:37:28koweycreate
2009-08-27 15:42:21koweylinkissue1576 superseder
2009-08-27 15:44:04koweylinkissue504 superseder
2010-08-26 15:02:43koweysettitle: accept URL format for ssh repos (eg sftp://droundy@darcs.net:10022/foo/bar) -> accept URI format for ssh repos (eg sftp://droundy@darcs.net:10022/foo/bar)
2010-08-26 15:02:53koweysettitle: accept URI format for ssh repos (eg sftp://droundy@darcs.net:10022/foo/bar) -> accept URIs for ssh repos (eg sftp://droundy@darcs.net:10022/foo/bar)
2010-08-26 15:04:28adminsetmessages: + msg1979
2010-08-27 14:50:31jchsetmessages: + msg12343
title: accept URIs for ssh repos (eg sftp://droundy@darcs.net:10022/foo/bar) -> accept URIs for ssh repos (eg sftp://droundy@darcs.net:10022/foo/bar)
2010-08-27 20:10:26WorldMakersetmessages: + msg12345
2010-11-12 17:17:37koweylinkissue1970 superseder
2010-11-12 17:18:44koweysetnosy: + dagit, galbolle
messages: + msg13010
2010-11-22 09:09:29koweysetstatus: needs-implementation -> resolved
messages: + msg13197