This one could use some Grumpy Old Manning. I *think* this is Florent's
suggestion and I've heard something similar from Jason earlier.
Currently in Darcs, there is no way to change your mind about the very
last patch you select. You hit 'y' or 'n' and boom, off Darcs goes.
You also have nothing which forces you to review your selection.
So maybe what we need is a prompt like:
Are you ready to send these patches? [dq...] (or ? for more options).
Notes on the details
1. y/n are NOT available in this prompt. I tend to suspect that it'd be
way too easy to blaze through this prompt by hitting 'y' a lot (yes,
yes, I want this patch and that one and... oops). So providing 'd'
instead would act as a forcing function (but not as annoying as asking
people to type "y-e-s"). Note also that d/q would be consistent with
the rest of the interface anyway.
2. users can always hit j/k to change their mind on individual patches.