
Issue 2144 notepad.exe is not usable as an editor on Windows due to temporary fiels being \n terminated instead of \r\n

Title notepad.exe is not usable as an editor on Windows due to temporary fiels being \n terminated instead of \r\n
Priority Status given-up
Milestone Resolved in
Superseder Nosy List mulander
Assigned To mulander

Created on 2012-02-22.23:13:58 by mulander, last changed 2017-07-31.00:34:49 by gh.

msg15153 (view) Author: mulander Date: 2012-02-22.23:13:57
Temporary files used by darcs for interacting with the user selected
editors have lines separated by \n.

On MS Windows while the default editor is set to notepad.exe the content
of those files is presented in one line as notepad.exe is not able to
cope with \n separated strings and expects lines to be terminated with \r\n.

Currently writeToFile is used for saving the content of the temporary
files. That function opens the file in binary mode that circumvents any
\n transliteration done by other modes. The mode of operation for this
function should not be changed as it takes action while working with the
repository and might impact the format.

Generally, a solution is needed to ensure that all temporary message
files edited by the user on MS Windows are \r\n terminated.
Date User Action Args
2012-02-22 23:13:58mulandercreate
2012-02-22 23:14:45mulandersettitle: notepad.exe is not usable as an editor on Windows do to temporary fiels being \n terminated instead of \r\n -> notepad.exe is not usable as an editor on Windows due to temporary fiels being \n terminated instead of \r\n
2017-07-31 00:34:49ghsetstatus: unknown -> given-up