
Issue 2208 replace fails even if unrecorded change would make it succeed

Title replace fails even if unrecorded change would make it succeed
Priority Status given-up
Milestone Resolved in
Superseder Nosy List owst
Assigned To

Created on 2012-07-10.15:59:52 by owst, last changed 2017-07-31.00:43:01 by gh.

msg15863 (view) Author: owst Date: 2012-07-10.15:59:51
1. Summarise the issue (what were doing, what went wrong?)

- I wanted to replace from foo to bar.
- I knew the file had a bar already, so I manually removed it.
- I didn't want to record a separate patch for this, so I tried the 
replace anyway
- Darcs complained at this point.
- I worked around by recording the current state, then replacing, then
amending the patch to also contain the replace.
- This is silly!

2. What behaviour were you expecting instead?

To not need to mess about recording/amending...

3. What darcs version are you using? (Try: darcs --exact-version)

2.9.1 (+ 548 patches)

4. What operating system are you running?

Ubuntu x86_64
Date User Action Args
2012-07-10 15:59:53owstcreate
2017-07-31 00:43:01ghsetstatus: unknown -> given-up