
Issue 2245 darcs tag should warn about uncommited changes

Title darcs tag should warn about uncommited changes
Priority wishlist Status given-up
Milestone Resolved in
Superseder Nosy List nomeata
Assigned To
Topics UI

Created on 2012-09-28.19:39:17 by nomeata, last changed 2017-07-31.02:10:19 by gh.

msg16132 (view) Author: nomeata Date: 2012-09-28.19:39:15
This just happened to me:

$ vim *.cabal # update version number to 0.42
$ cabal sdist
$ cabal upload dist/.....tar.gz
$ darcs tag 0.42
$ darcs w 

Please make "darcs tag" warn if there are unrecorded changes in the
working copy.

msg16133 (view) Author: nomeata Date: 2012-09-28.19:40:28
Actually, what happened to me was:

This just happened to me:

$ vim *.cabal # update version number to 0.42
$ cabal sdist
$ cabal upload dist/.....tar.gz
$ darcs tag 0.42
$ darcs push -a
$ darcs w 

...otherwise "darcs oblierate" could have helped me.
Date User Action Args
2012-09-28 19:39:17nomeatacreate
2012-09-28 19:40:30nomeatasetmessages: + msg16133
2014-03-17 01:25:51ghsetassignedto: alex.aegf
nosy: + alex.aegf
2015-03-27 22:40:46ghsetnosy: + MaicoLeberle, - alex.aegf
assignedto: alex.aegf -> MaicoLeberle
2016-01-09 00:59:44imzsetpriority: wishlist
topic: + UI
2017-07-31 02:10:19ghsetstatus: unknown -> given-up
nosy: - MaicoLeberle
assignedto: MaicoLeberle ->