
Issue 2255 colon in cwd causes darcs get to fail

Title colon in cwd causes darcs get to fail
Priority Status resolved
Milestone Resolved in
Superseder Nosy List bfrk
Assigned To

Created on 2012-10-16.09:54:11 by bfrk, last changed 2016-04-03.21:07:00 by gh.

msg16229 (view) Author: bfrk Date: 2012-10-16.09:54:08
1. Summarise the issue (what were doing, what went wrong?)

franksen@aragon:~/ctl/tmp/a:b > darcs get
/opt/repositories/controls/darcs/epics/ioc/MLS-Controls/base-3-14 mls
cp: cannot stat
`/srv/projects/ctl/franksen/tmp/a:b/mls//_darcs/prefs/sources': No such
file or directory
cp: cannot stat
`/srv/projects/ctl/franksen/tmp/a:b/mls//_darcs/prefs/sources': No such
file or directory
Copying patches, to get lazy repository hit ctrl-C...
Unapplying 682 patches                                                 
WARNING: Doing a one-time conversion of pristine format.          
This may take a while. The new format is backwards-compatible.

darcs failed:  error opening

However, if I do the same in ~/ctl/tmp, it works:

franksen@aragon:~/ctl/tmp > darcs get
/opt/repositories/controls/darcs/epics/ioc/MLS-Controls/base-3-14 mls
Copying patches, to get lazy repository hit ctrl-C...
Unapplying 682 patches                                                 
Finished getting.

2. What behaviour were you expecting instead?

I expect darcs to work even if my current working directory contains
colons or other unusual characters.

3. What darcs version are you using? (Try: darcs --exact-version)


4. What operating system are you running?

Linux (32bit)
msg16230 (view) Author: bfrk Date: 2012-10-16.10:17:55
Additional remarks:

(1) I can reproduce the error messages ('cannot stat ...') with a small
test repo and a simple 'darcs get <repo>', but not the final 'darcs
failed:  error opening ...'.

(2) The final failure does not happen if the --tag=GP-2009-07-07T1042 is

(3) I wonder why I get the

WARNING: Doing a one-time conversion of pristine format.


darcs optimize --pristine
darcs optimize --upgrade

in the source repo does not make these warnings go away.
msg16231 (view) Author: owst Date: 2012-10-16.10:26:38
> (3) I wonder why I get the
> WARNING: Doing a one-time conversion of pristine format.

This is due to some poor exception catching, which I seem to recall
assumes that any failure must be due to being an old format repo. That
issue is http://bugs.darcs.net/issue2134, I don't quite remember what is
required to fix it though.
msg19130 (view) Author: gh Date: 2016-04-03.21:06:44
I can't reproduce the bug with current darcs HEAD version. Probably
because exception catching has been improved since the time this ticket
was open.

Marking as resolved.
Date User Action Args
2012-10-16 09:54:11bfrkcreate
2012-10-16 10:17:56bfrksetmessages: + msg16230
2012-10-16 10:26:39owstsetmessages: + msg16231
2016-04-03 21:06:46ghsetmessages: + msg19130
2016-04-03 21:07:00ghsetstatus: unknown -> resolved