
Issue 2292 darcs depends on old version of tar

Title darcs depends on old version of tar
Priority Status resolved
Milestone 2.8.4 Resolved in
Superseder Nosy List ganesh, nomeata
Assigned To ganesh

Created on 2013-01-07.18:34:06 by nomeata, last changed 2013-01-21.06:46:34 by ganesh.

msg16523 (view) Author: nomeata Date: 2013-01-07.18:34:04
The latest version of darcs on hackage, 2.8.3, requires tar == 0.3.*,
but tar-0.4.* is on hackage and in Debian. A version of darcs that is
compatible with tar-0.4 would be nice.
msg16546 (view) Author: ganesh Date: 2013-01-21.06:46:33
This was updated on HEAD a while back and also recently on the 2.8 branch. 
It'll be in the upcoming 2.8.4 release.
Date User Action Args
2013-01-07 18:34:06nomeatacreate
2013-01-21 06:46:34ganeshsetstatus: unknown -> resolved
assignedto: ganesh
milestone: 2.8.4
messages: + msg16546
nosy: + ganesh