
Issue 2296 In wiki, there is a wrong info about archlinux

Title In wiki, there is a wrong info about archlinux
Priority bug Status resolved
Milestone Resolved in
Superseder Nosy List xancorreu
Assigned To

Created on 2013-01-30.23:16:51 by xancorreu, last changed 2013-02-17.13:01:39 by kowey.

msg16561 (view) Author: xancorreu Date: 2013-01-30.23:16:49

In wiki, there is a info that darcs is in archlinux community repo: 
http://darcs.net/Binaries. It's false. It's in the AUR (non official repo):
-  https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/darcs-bin/

Can you change the info.


PS: I send mail to bugs, because I don't find webmaster email. Hope no 
one is angry.
msg16614 (view) Author: kowey Date: 2013-02-16.08:22:57
Hi! Thanks for the tip!  I've replaced it with a sentence saying it's 
in the AUR and linked AUR to https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/darcs-

Is that correct? If not, any chance you'd be willing create an account 
on the wiki?

Makes me wish we had something like a “Log in with Google” style button 
for convenience.
msg16680 (view) Author: xancorreu Date: 2013-02-17.12:19:52
Al 16/02/13 09:22, En/na Eric Kow ha escrit:
> Eric Kow <kowey@darcs.net> added the comment:
> Hi! Thanks for the tip!  I've replaced it with a sentence saying it's
> in the AUR and linked AUR to https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/darcs-
> bin/
> Is that correct? If not, any chance you'd be willing create an account
> on the wiki?
> Makes me wish we had something like a “Log in with Google” style button
> for convenience.
> ----------
> priority:  -> bug
> status: unknown -> resolved
> __________________________________
> Darcs bug tracker <bugs@darcs.net>
> <http://bugs.darcs.net/issue2296>
> __________________________________
Thanks. Resolved bug so.
Date User Action Args
2013-01-30 23:16:51xancorreucreate
2013-02-16 08:22:58koweysetpriority: bug
status: unknown -> resolved
messages: + msg16614
2013-02-17 12:19:54xancorreusetstatus: resolved -> unknown
messages: + msg16680
2013-02-17 13:01:39koweysetstatus: unknown -> resolved