The root cause was that I had added "GHCRTS=-K100M" to my .bashrc,
because I need it for some darcs invocations, and it harmless to the
rest of the darcs invocations.
Next time I went to run "cabal install", "cabal" responded to this
environment variable with this error message:
"setup: Most RTS options are disabled. Link with -rtsopts to enable
cabal should have either:
1. Explicitly unset or ignored the environment variable if it doesn't
need it.
2. Noted that it was exiting because of this environment variable, and
that unsetting the environment variable was another possible solution
besides relinking. (And it's still not clear what it was suggesting that
I relink, or how).
This invocation works for me, by explicitly unsetting the variable for
this call:
GHCRTS= cabal -frts -ftest --with-ghc=/home/mark/ghc/bin/ghc install