It happened again:
Darcs.Patch.V2 (using Prim.V1):
commute (tree): nontrivial recommute: [Failed]
*** Failed! (after 94 tests):
conflictor {{
move ./EoM.txt ./Sp/HSa.txt
move ./Qfe.txt ./Sp/W.txt
rmdir ./Sp
}} []
move ./Qfe.txt ./iox.txt
rotcilfnoc {{
move ./Qfe.txt ./iox.txt
move ./Qfe.txt ./Sp/W.txt
rmdir ./Sp
}} []
move ./EoM.txt ./Sp/HSa.txt
rotcilfnoc {{
move ./Qfe.txt ./iox.txt
move ./Qfe.txt ./Sp/W.txt
}} []
rmdir ./Sp
rotcilfnoc [
move ./Qfe.txt ./iox.txt
move ./Qfe.txt ./Sp/W.txt
rmdir ./Sp
Sealed (WithStartState V1Model{ "EoM.txt"["E" "y" "t" "D" "M s" "d E"
"o" "H n" "q" "Z X" "I" "s" "d" "y" "V z" "D" "y L"] "Qfe.txt"["w" "s"
"h" "K" "g" "M" "W V" "F" "a" "Y c" "N" "q w" "Z y" "i" "e y" "I" "k"
"s" "e" "y r" "B y"] "Sp" } (ParTree (ParTree (SeqTree (FP (fp2fn
"./Qfe.txt") (Hunk 10 ["Y c","N","q w","Z y"] ["n"])) (SeqTree (DP
(fp2fn "./Sp") RmDir) NilTree)) (ParTree (ParTree (SeqTree (FP (fp2fn
"./EoM.txt") (TokReplace "A-Za-z_0-9" "o" "U")) NilTree) (SeqTree (Move
(fp2fn "./EoM.txt") (fp2fn "./Sp/HSa.txt")) NilTree)) (SeqTree (FP
(fp2fn "./Qfe.txt") (Hunk 18 ["s","e"] ["K S"])) (SeqTree (FP (fp2fn
"./q.txt") AddFile) NilTree)))) (ParTree (ParTree (SeqTree (Move (fp2fn
"./Qfe.txt") (fp2fn "./Sp/W.txt")) NilTree) (SeqTree (FP (fp2fn
"./EoM.txt") (Hunk 11 (packStringLetters "Isdy") (packStringLetters
"w"))) (SeqTree (DP (fp2fn "./Sp") RmDir) NilTree))) (SeqTree (DP (fp2fn
"./Sp") RmDir) (SeqTree (Move (fp2fn "./Qfe.txt") (fp2fn "./iox.txt"))
(used seed -7363009043839118403)
I am marking this a critical for now, as this is a bug in the very core
of the Darcs patch formalism. If it turns out that the property in
question doesn't actually need hold we can downgrade the priority.