
Issue 2520 darcs.cabal needs directory 1.3 compatibility

Title darcs.cabal needs directory 1.3 compatibility
Priority urgent Status resolved
Milestone 2.12.4 Resolved in 2.12.5
Superseder Nosy List ilovezfs
Assigned To

Created on 2017-01-09.08:49:56 by ilovezfs, last changed 2017-07-31.02:22:34 by gh.

msg19335 (view) Author: ilovezfs Date: 2017-01-09.08:49:54
1. Summarise the issue (what were doing, what went wrong?)
darcs cannot build with GHC 8.0.2-rc2, which uses directory 1.3 since
the darcs.cabal file's upper bound on directory is <

2. What behaviour were you expecting instead?
failed build in a Cabal sandbox

3. What darcs version are you using? (Try: darcs --exact-version)

4. What operating system are you running?
macOS 10.12 with Homebrew GHC (which is currently 8.0.2-RC2 on Sierra)
msg19341 (view) Author: ganesh Date: 2017-01-11.19:58:10
This is fixed in 2.12.5, just uploaded
Date User Action Args
2017-01-09 08:49:56ilovezfscreate
2017-01-11 19:58:11ganeshsetresolvedin: 2.12.5
messages: + msg19341
milestone: 2.12.4
2017-07-31 02:22:34ghsetstatus: unknown -> resolved