
Issue 2575 rebase then revert adds the rebase patch to the unrevert bundle

Title rebase then revert adds the rebase patch to the unrevert bundle
Priority urgent Status resolved
Milestone 2.14.0 Resolved in 2.14.0
Superseder Nosy List bfrk
Assigned To

Created on 2018-03-09.23:45:50 by bfrk, last changed 2018-03-26.20:32:20 by bfrk.

File name Uploaded Type Edit Remove
accept-issue2575_-rebase-then-revert-leaves-rebase-patch-in-unrevert-bundle.dpatch bfrk, 2018-03-25.13:46:53 application/x-darcs-patch
msg19958 (view) Author: bfrk Date: 2018-03-09.23:45:48
So I do a 'darcs rebase pull' say yes to everything until I see how many
patches it wants to suspend, perhaps look at a few of them. Then I say
'q' to cancel. I get

Shall I suspend this patch? (7/38)  [ynW...], or ? for more options: q
Suspend cancelled.
darcs: failed to read patch:
patch 9766caccd0af2009ad151588bd80100c3ba79cda
Author: Invalid <invalid@invalid>
Date:   Wed Mar  7 02:41:52 CET 2018
  * DO NOT TOUCH: Rebase patch
  This patch is an internal implementation detail of rebase, used to
  store suspended patches, and should not be visible in the user
  interface. Please report a bug if a darcs command is showing you this
Patch not stored in patch bundle:
patch 9766caccd0af2009ad151588bd80100c3ba79cda
Author: Invalid <invalid@invalid>
Date:   Wed Mar  7 02:41:52 CET 2018
  * DO NOT TOUCH: Rebase patch
  This patch is an internal implementation detail of rebase, used to
  store suspended patches, and should not be visible in the user
  interface. Please report a bug if a darcs command is showing you this

Apparently there is no test for this. The situation requires manual
editing of _darcs/hashed_inventory to fix. A must-fix before release IMO.

I have the suspicion that this could be due to the "nasty hack" (says
the comment, but I agree) in src/Darcs/UI/Commands/Rebase.hs line 731,
but I am not sure.
msg19959 (view) Author: bfrk Date: 2018-03-10.00:18:13
A closer look at the message reveals this line:

"Patch not stored in patch bundle:"

Huh? Patch bundle? Then I remembered that the unvert patch is stored as
a bundle and indeed

ben@yuiitsu[1]:.../darcs/hunkmove>grep -r 'DO NOT TOUCH' _darcs 
_darcs/tentative_hashed_inventory:[DO NOT TOUCH: Rebase patch
_darcs/hashed_inventory:[DO NOT TOUCH: Rebase patch
_darcs/patches/unrevert:[DO NOT TOUCH: Rebase patch

After removing the unrevert bundle everything is fine:

ben@yuiitsu[1]:.../darcs/hunkmove>rm _darcs/patches/unrevert 
ben@yuiitsu[1]:.../darcs/hunkmove>darcs rebase log             
Rebase finished!
ben@yuiitsu[1]:.../darcs/hunkmove>grep -r 'DO NOT TOUCH' _darcs

Do we have tests for interaction of revert with rebase?
msg20029 (view) Author: bfrk Date: 2018-03-25.13:46:53
Attched is a failing shell test.
msg20039 (view) Author: gh Date: 2018-03-26.15:01:57
I pushed the failing test patch to screened and reviewed.
Date User Action Args
2018-03-09 23:45:50bfrkcreate
2018-03-10 00:18:15bfrksetmessages: + msg19959
2018-03-25 10:26:54bfrksettitle: rebase pull leaves rebase patch in the repo if suspend is cancelled -> rebase then revert adds the rebase patch to the unrevert bundle
2018-03-25 13:46:55bfrksetfiles: + accept-issue2575_-rebase-then-revert-leaves-rebase-patch-in-unrevert-bundle.dpatch
messages: + msg20029
2018-03-26 15:01:59ghsetmessages: + msg20039
2018-03-26 20:32:20bfrksetstatus: unknown -> resolved
resolvedin: 2.14.0
milestone: 2.14.0