1. Summarise the issue (what were doing, what went wrong?)
2. What behaviour were you expecting instead?
I've managed to get a repo into a strange state where "darcs whatsnew -l" shows some files that should be considered boring:
angel-dfly misc-pri $ darcs show repo
Format: hashed, darcs-2
Root: /home/falsifian/tmp/misc-pri
PristineType: HashedPristine
Cache: thisrepo:/home/falsifian/tmp/misc-pri, cache:/home/falsifian/.cache/darcs, repo:/home/falsifian/w/misc-pri, repo:., repo:exoco.falsifian.org:w/misc-pri
PatchIndex: enabled, but not yet created
boringfile Pref: .boring
Default Remote: /home/falsifian/w/misc-pri
Num Patches: 3786
Weak Hash: 0995a8b0f420094da2b1f0647428a74cff376482
angel-dfly misc-pri $ cat .boring
# LaTeX (and BibTeX) output
angel-dfly misc-pri $ darcs whatsnew -l
a ./programming/s3d/src/build/
a ./programming/s3d/src/build/ttc/
a ./programming/s3d/src/build/ttc/S3D/
a ./programming/s3d/src/build/ttc/S3D/LinearAlgebra.ttc
a ./programming/s3d/src/build/ttc/S3D/LinearAlgebra.ttm
Maybe worth noting: there are a lot of other files under programming/s3d/src/build which are correctly ignored. I don't know what's special about LinearAlgebra.{ttc,ttm}.
I don't know how I got the repo in this state. I have saved a .tar.gz of the offending repo, and can reproduce by untarring it. Unfortunately the repo has some private data so I'd rather not share the whole thing.
If I clone the repo and then move the build directory to the new repo, the problem doesn't happen:
angel-dfly misc-pri $ cd ..
angel-dfly tmp $ darcs clone misc-pri misc-pri_1
Copying patches, to get lazy repository hit ctrl-C...
Finished cloning.
angel-dfly tmp $ mv misc-pri/programming/s3d/build misc-pri_1/programming/s3d
angel-dfly tmp $ cd misc-pri_1
angel-dfly misc-pri_1 $ darcs whatsnew -l
No changes!
Even if I then replace _darcs with the one from the broken repo, the problem still doesn't happen:
angel-dfly misc-pri_1 $ rm -r _darcs
recursively remove _darcs? y
angel-dfly misc-pri_1 $ mv ../misc-pri/_darcs .
angel-dfly misc-pri_1 $ darcs whatsnew -l
No changes!
exit: 1 angel-dfly misc-pri_1 $
I don't know enough about Darcs to investigate further. This all seems pretty strange.
3. What darcs version are you using? (Try: darcs --exact-version)
darcs compiled on Aug 20 2021, at 10:34:19
Weak Hash: not available
[TAG 2.16.4
Ben Franksen <ben.franksen@online.de>**20210520120106
Ignore-this: 6ad053de84a2b3fcd9dc62076e0fbbad24d8c25ef4a659a163cadc1832b39686aa41a2b7a12928df
4. What operating system are you running?
angel-dfly misc-pri $ uname -a
DragonFly angel-dfly.falsifian.org 6.1-DEVELOPMENT DragonFly 6.1-DEVELOPMENT #1: Wed Nov 17 00:06:35 UTC 2021 build@angel-dfly.falsifian.org:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/X86_64_GENERIC x86_64