
Issue 769 windows: look in App Paths for external commands

Title windows: look in App Paths for external commands
Priority feature Status given-up
Milestone Resolved in
Superseder Nosy List darcs-devel, dmitry.kurochkin, eivuokko, jaredj, kirby, kowey, rgm, techtonik, thorkilnaur, tommy, wglozer
Assigned To
Topics Windows

Created on 2008-03-30.11:59:05 by techtonik, last changed 2017-07-30.23:36:21 by gh.

msg4106 (view) Author: techtonik Date: 2008-03-30.12:00:11
Darcs unable to find executables registered via "App Paths" on windows platform.
For example:

D:\> darcs.exe send -v --sendmail-command="python"
'python' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

darcs failed:  failed to send mail to: antispam@example.com

D:\> python
Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Apr 18 2007, 08:51:08) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)] on
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msg6457 (view) Author: kirby Date: 2008-10-25.14:09:08
It works for me. There's a GHC bug that makes runProcess ignore the current PATH 
env var, and make it use the "system" or "user" PATH env var. So if you add a 
directory in the PATH for the current shell and you execute a command with 
runProcess, it won't search in there.
If that's the case, it's not a darcs bug.
msg6472 (view) Author: techtonik Date: 2008-10-26.18:26:48
It is not the same. "App Paths" is a registry key with application paths.

Date User Action Args
2008-03-30 11:59:05techtonikcreate
2008-03-30 11:59:39techtoniksetstatus: unread -> unknown
nosy: tommy, beschmi, kowey, techtonik
messages: - msg4105
2008-03-30 12:00:12techtoniksetnosy: tommy, beschmi, kowey, techtonik
messages: + msg4106
2008-03-31 13:54:30droundysetpriority: bug -> feature
topic: + Windows
nosy: + wglozer, eivuokko, rgm, jaredj
2008-10-25 14:09:10kirbysetnosy: + dmitry.kurochkin, dagit, kirby, simon, thorkilnaur
messages: + msg6457
2008-10-26 18:26:51techtoniksetnosy: tommy, beschmi, kowey, wglozer, eivuokko, dagit, simon, rgm, thorkilnaur, jaredj, dmitry.kurochkin, techtonik, kirby
messages: + msg6472
2009-08-06 21:01:22adminsetnosy: - beschmi
2009-08-11 00:09:09adminsetnosy: - dagit
2009-08-19 11:59:52koweysetstatus: unknown -> needs-implementation
nosy: tommy, kowey, wglozer, eivuokko, simon, rgm, thorkilnaur, jaredj, dmitry.kurochkin, techtonik, kirby
2009-08-25 17:32:28adminsetnosy: + darcs-devel, - simon
2009-08-27 10:36:29koweysetnosy: tommy, kowey, wglozer, darcs-devel, eivuokko, rgm, thorkilnaur, jaredj, dmitry.kurochkin, techtonik, kirby
2009-08-27 14:28:14adminsetnosy: tommy, kowey, wglozer, darcs-devel, eivuokko, rgm, thorkilnaur, jaredj, dmitry.kurochkin, techtonik, kirby
2009-10-23 22:41:28adminsetnosy: + robmoss, - rgm
2009-10-24 00:07:14adminsetnosy: + rgm, - robmoss
2017-07-30 23:36:21ghsetstatus: needs-implementation -> given-up