hunk ./src/Darcs/Repository/Format.hs 181
+ | formatHas RebaseInProgress inrf =
+ -- we could support this, by applying an appropriate filter to the
+ -- as we pull them.
+ Just "Cannot transfer patches from a repository where a rebase is
in progress" [_$_]
This change is in the function readfromAndWritetoProblem which is called by
identifyRepositoryFor, which is called by the commands Send, Pull, Push,
Obliterate (when using the "not in remote repo" flag). So it seems OK to
prohibit interacting with rebase-in-progress repos in these cases.
The Get case is handled by the following hunk:
hunk ./src/Darcs/UI/Commands/Get.hs 139
+ -- there's no fundamental reason for banning gets of repositories with
+ -- rebase in progress, but it seems a bit dubious to actually copy the
+ -- rebase state, and removing it is a bit of work since the current
+ -- implementation just copies the inventory file
+ when (formatHas RebaseInProgress rfsource) $
+ fail "Can't get from a repository with a rebase in progress"
The test script makes sense, I'm accepting the bundle.