Looks ok to me. I would be interested whether making the hash in Blob lazy would
work as well; but I guess it creates the risk of hanging on to entire files
instead of hashing them and dropping the data.
[Defer SHA256 from MonadRW updates until disk flush, saving lots of cycles.
Petr Rockai <me@mornfall.net>**20100117161040
Ignore-this: c7b045db905819711c0083934c5ec52a
] hunk ./Storage/Hashed/Darcs.hs 144
+darcsAddMissingHashes :: (Monad m, Functor m) => Tree m -> m (Tree m)
+darcsAddMissingHashes = updateTree update
+ where update (SubTree t) = return . SubTree $ t { treeHash = darcsTreeHash t }
+ update (File blob@(Blob con NoHash)) =
+ do hash <- sha256 <$> readBlob blob
+ return $ File (Blob con hash)
+ update x = return x
hunk ./Storage/Hashed/Darcs.hs 226
- modify $ \st -> st { tree = darcsUpdateDirHashes $ tree st }
+ hashed <- liftIO . darcsAddMissingHashes =<< gets tree
+ modify $ \st -> st { tree = hashed }
hunk ./Storage/Hashed/Monad.hs 170
- hash = sha256 con
+ hash = NoHash -- we would like to say "sha256 con" here, but due
+ -- to strictness of Hash in Blob, this would often
+ -- lead to unnecessary computation which would then
+ -- be discarded anyway; we rely on the sync
+ -- implementation to fix up any NoHash occurrences