resolve issue1250: check for newlines in setpref values
> Florent Becker <>**20100105141018
> Ignore-this: ea1194357318edb8953e0387bfe5841d
> ] hunk ./src/Darcs/Commands/SetPref.lhs 103
> oval <- getPrefval pref
> old <- case oval of Just v -> return v
> Nothing -> return ""
> + when ('\n' `elem` val) $ do
> + putStrLn $ val ++ "is not a valid preference value: newlines forbidden!"
> + exitWith $ ExitFailure 1
> changePrefval pref old val
> putStrLn $ "Changing value of "++pref++" from '"++old++"' to '"++val++"'"
> add_to_pending repository (changepref pref old val :>: NilFL)
Looks good. Applied, thanks!
Eric Kow <>
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