On Tue, Feb 02, 2010 at 14:14:52 +0000, Florent Becker wrote:
> Tue Jan 5 15:30:46 CET 2010 Florent Becker <florent.becker@ens-lyon.org>
> * Warn for extra patches before selection in apply
Seems fairly straightforward. Applied.
Warn for extra patches before selection in apply
> Florent Becker <florent.becker@ens-lyon.org>**20100105143046
> ] hunk ./src/Darcs/Commands/Apply.lhs 168
> do putStr $ "All these patches have already been applied. " ++
> "Nothing to do.\n"
> exitWith ExitSuccess
> + putVerbose opts $ text "We have the following extra patches:"
> + putVerbose opts . vcat $ mapRL description us'
> with_selected_changes "apply" fixed_opts Nothing their_ps_filtered $
> \ (to_be_applied:>_) ->
> applyItNow opts from_whom repository us' to_be_applied
> hunk ./src/Darcs/Commands/Apply.lhs 188
> exitWith ExitSuccess
> check_paths opts to_be_applied
> redirectOutput opts from_whom $ do
> - putVerbose opts $ text "We have the following extra patches:"
> - putVerbose opts . vcat $ mapRL description us'
Eric Kow <http://www.nltg.brighton.ac.uk/home/Eric.Kow>
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