> In some messed up terminals like Windows, the progress message lines
> don't get erased by the next one, so I end up with an actual line of
> output per progress message. I tried this patch and I could just
> about live with the spam, but it'd be a bit annoying.
I didn't expect that. Unless we can fix this behavior, increasing the
progress message rate looks like a bad idea.
I just googled around a bit and most people seem to think that '\r'
should work even on Windows cmd. I also (dimly) remember that it worked
decades ago when I programmed on MS-DOS.
> Also could it have an impact on performance?
Not as far as I have tested it.
> I suspect not, even
> though writing to the console is relatively expensive, 10 times
> per second shouldn't matter.
It doesn't.
> Abstracting out the progress constant is a good thing no matter
> what actual value it has, of course.
Can send that as a separate patch.