> There are existing tests for the trackdown functionality
> in trackdown-bisect.sh, issue538.sh. Are those helpful or
> would you like something more?
Thanks for the pointer, I was grepping for 'darcs test' and didn't find
anything... So this is covered, good.
> Apart from the tests which tend to be a bit awkward because of the
> need to be a standalone script, perhaps what we need are
> better docs?
Partly. I think perhaps the docs could be a bit more clear about the
mechanics of the test procedure: which directory are they run in, etc.
The need to provide a stand-alone script (and specify the full path)
tends to make the whole process more heavy-weight than necessary IMO. I
think it is quite often the case that we have a one line shell command
for testing and it would be nice if we could pass that directly to
'darcs test'.
As I said I have not used 'darcs test' very often, yet. I mostly tried
it a few times on Darcs itself and one thing that stands out here are
the very long initial compile times. If you have made a mistake in the
test script, it will become apparent only after the initial build and
then you have to do it all over again. I remember it took me a few
trials until the test script did what it was supposed to do and each
time I had to wait for a complete rebuild. That made me wish for an
option that allows me to start the trackdown process in a specific
directory with an already checked-out and pre-built repo/source tree.