>> No, I will send a fix. I will also revert my installed version of ghc
>> back to ghc-8.2.2 to avoid this happening in the future. (My only reason
>> to upgrade ghc was to get a usable cabal new-haddock.)
> Why do we care about supporting 8.2? (8.4 is because of Debian)
My opinion is that requiring a newer version of ghc or any other
dependency needs a justification. There are 100s of linux distros out
there besides Debian and also a lot of non-Linux OSes. Every time we
require a newer version of a dependency we cause trouble for anyone
trying to build darcs on an older system. I want to avoid giving people
trouble with building darcs, if possible. IMO the issue with <> is too
trivial to justify that here.
If you think otherwise, I won't argue further. Because this has already
been discussed to death in the past. I do reserve the right to register
my disaffection, though.