
Patch 2408 only aim to be warnings clean on one ver... (and 3 more)

Title only aim to be warnings clean on one ver... (and 3 more)
Superseder Nosy List ganesh
Related Issues
Status accepted Assigned To

Created on 2024-06-06.22:50:03 by ganesh, last changed 2024-07-20.17:19:55 by ganesh.

File name Status Uploaded Type Edit Remove
only-aim-to-be-warnings-clean-on-one-version-of-ghc.dpatch dead ganesh, 2024-06-06.22:50:00 application/x-darcs-patch
only-aim-to-be-warnings-clean-on-one-version-of-ghc.dpatch ganesh, 2024-06-07.09:26:02 application/x-darcs-patch
patch-preview.txt dead ganesh, 2024-06-06.22:49:59 text/x-darcs-patch
patch-preview.txt ganesh, 2024-06-07.09:26:02 text/x-darcs-patch
See mailing list archives for discussion on individual patches.
msg23981 (view) Author: ganesh Date: 2024-06-06.22:50:00
Followup to patch2405 (msg23967)

4 patches for repository darcs-unstable@darcs.net:/opt/darcs/screened:

patch d7bcc77eeacfefd62640350ce86683393e2dcb8e
Author: Ganesh Sittampalam <ganesh@earth.li>
Date:   Thu Jun  6 23:35:21 BST 2024
  * only aim to be warnings clean on one version of GHC

  For now this is GHC 9.8

patch ecd61a5ade780aa203d91cdcb6df4341a7c7b264
Author: Ganesh Sittampalam <ganesh@earth.li>
Date:   Thu Jun  6 23:36:09 BST 2024
  * standardise on -Wno rather than -fno-warn

patch df590091316f0a22d870129db407a36a461bb9a8
Author: Ganesh Sittampalam <ganesh@earth.li>
Date:   Thu Jun  6 23:40:21 BST 2024
  * drop warning suppressions not needed for GHC 9.8

patch eb4f95781d4fb85a00c65f3567e0f9daabce6c09
Author: Ganesh Sittampalam <ganesh@earth.li>
Date:   Thu Jun  6 23:40:53 BST 2024
  * drop CPP in Darcs.Prelude

  instead we'll have warnings in older GHCs
msg23983 (view) Author: ganesh Date: 2024-06-07.09:26:02
small update
4 patches for repository darcs-unstable@darcs.net:/opt/darcs/screened:

patch d7bcc77eeacfefd62640350ce86683393e2dcb8e
Author: Ganesh Sittampalam <ganesh@earth.li>
Date:   Thu Jun  6 23:35:21 BST 2024
  * only aim to be warnings clean on one version of GHC

  For now this is GHC 9.8

patch ecd61a5ade780aa203d91cdcb6df4341a7c7b264
Author: Ganesh Sittampalam <ganesh@earth.li>
Date:   Thu Jun  6 23:36:09 BST 2024
  * standardise on -Wno rather than -fno-warn

patch eb4f95781d4fb85a00c65f3567e0f9daabce6c09
Author: Ganesh Sittampalam <ganesh@earth.li>
Date:   Thu Jun  6 23:40:53 BST 2024
  * drop CPP in Darcs.Prelude

  instead we'll have warnings in older GHCs

patch 942196a98bdfeb3c4b025021d43234e5ad4fd033
Author: Ganesh Sittampalam <ganesh@earth.li>
Date:   Fri Jun  7 10:24:46 BST 2024
  * drop warning suppressions not needed for GHC 9.8
msg24032 (view) Author: bfrk Date: 2024-06-21.19:57:38
All fine and agreed in principle as discussed elsewhere. Except one 
minor nitpick:

   * standardise on -Wno rather than -fno-warn

Would it be possible to do this with replace patches?
msg24033 (view) Author: ganesh Date: 2024-06-21.21:00:17
> Would it be possible to do this with replace patches?

Perhaps, but it didn't occur to me unfortunately, and isn't it a bit 
late now I've screened it? Even if I rolled it back and redid with 
replaces, any conflicts would still occur.
msg24048 (view) Author: bfrk Date: 2024-06-27.20:09:42
I agree that it's too late to redo it unless we obliterate the patch in 
screened and that's probably not warranted in this case.
Date User Action Args
2024-06-06 22:50:03ganeshcreate
2024-06-07 09:26:02ganeshsetfiles: + patch-preview.txt, only-aim-to-be-warnings-clean-on-one-version-of-ghc.dpatch
messages: + msg23983
2024-06-15 08:12:52ganeshsetstatus: needs-screening -> needs-review
2024-06-21 19:57:38bfrksetstatus: needs-review -> review-in-progress
messages: + msg24032
2024-06-21 21:00:18ganeshsetmessages: + msg24033
2024-06-27 20:09:43bfrksetstatus: review-in-progress -> accepted-pending-tests
messages: + msg24048
2024-07-20 17:19:55ganeshsetstatus: accepted-pending-tests -> accepted