
Patch 249 DRAFT: comments on hPut and hGet in source code

Title DRAFT: comments on hPut and hGet in source code
Superseder Nosy List kowey
Related Issues
Status rejected Assigned To

Created on 2010-05-15.10:44:51 by kowey, last changed 2010-05-15.11:08:52 by kowey.

File name Status Uploaded Type Edit Remove
draft_-comments-on-hput-and-hget-in-source-code.dpatch kowey, 2010-05-15.10:44:50 text/x-darcs-patch
unnamed kowey, 2010-05-15.10:44:50
See mailing list archives for discussion on individual patches.
msg11072 (view) Author: kowey Date: 2010-05-15.10:44:50
Is there anybody who can spare a moment to look at what I've found in my
quick IO audit?

Do we need to set more handles to binary mode here?

1 patch for repository darcs-unstable@darcs.net:darcs/releases/branch-2.4:

Sat May 15 11:39:48 BST 2010  Eric Kow <kowey@darcs.net>
  * DRAFT: comments on hPut and hGet in source code
  This is NOT meant for the darcs repo.
  Context is that GHC 6.12's locale-sensitive IO broke our SSH stuff.
  This is a good chance to make sure we go through our IO a bit more
  I did a grep -r src hPut and grep -r src hGet in my text editor and
  stepped through each instance.  Here I've flagged the ones that gave
  me pause.
Date User Action Args
2010-05-15 10:44:51koweycreate
2010-05-15 11:08:52koweysetstatus: needs-review -> rejected