
Patch 265 Resolve issue1857: Use and update pristine root pointe...

Title Resolve issue1857: Use and update pristine root pointe...
Superseder Nosy List ganesh, kowey, mornfall
Related Issues failing test => error opening _darcs/pristine.hashed/...
View: 1857
Status accepted Assigned To ganesh

Created on 2010-06-03.21:45:44 by mornfall, last changed 2011-05-10.20:36:12 by darcswatch. Tracked on DarcsWatch.

File name Status Uploaded Type Edit Remove
resolve-issue1857_-use-and-update-pristine-root-pointer-upon-conversion_.dpatch mornfall, 2010-06-03.21:45:44 text/x-darcs-patch
resolve-issue1857_-use-and-update-pristine-root-pointer-upon-conversion_.dpatch mornfall, 2010-06-07.19:59:31 text/x-darcs-patch
unnamed mornfall, 2010-06-03.21:45:44
unnamed mornfall, 2010-06-07.19:59:31
See mailing list archives for discussion on individual patches.
msg11225 (view) Author: mornfall Date: 2010-06-03.21:45:44

this patch fixes the immediate bug. HOWEVER, I think there is still a problem
lurking there, namely if the "h" given to applyHashed is actually something
different than the current pristine root.

This could happen for example when a patch series is applied in multiple steps,
each following step calling applyHashed on a "temporary" pristine state.

In theory, the *first* such applyHashed should trigger the conversion and all
should be well. Unfortunately, this is not guaranteed, since this repository
could be in a mixed format and first applyHashed could avoid the conversion and
a subsequent one could trigger it.

It is not completely clear what to do about this.

I'll have a think or two and will let you know. Presumably, this patch still
improves the situation over the current HEAD, so it may make sense to apply.

I had to move applyHashed from HashedIO to HashedRepo, since inv2pris/pris2inv
are only available there.


1 patch for repository darcs-unstable@darcs.net:darcs:

Thu Jun  3 23:40:36 CEST 2010  Petr Rockai <me@mornfall.net>
  * Resolve issue1857: Use and update pristine root pointer upon conversion.
msg11253 (view) Author: kowey Date: 2010-06-06.10:08:08
Hi Ganesh, is this one you could look at please?
msg11314 (view) Author: mornfall Date: 2010-06-07.19:59:31
Amended away a conflict with Adolfo.

1 patch for repository darcs-unstable@darcs.net:darcs:

Mon Jun  7 21:37:01 CEST 2010  Petr Rockai <me@mornfall.net>
  * Resolve issue1857: Use and update pristine root pointer upon conversion.
msg11401 (view) Author: ganesh Date: 2010-06-13.22:08:19
Sorry for the review delay. I haven't fully understand what's going on 
with the bug but the code change looks reasonable.
msg11514 (view) Author: darcswatch Date: 2010-06-21.18:06:26
This patch bundle (with 1 patches) was just applied to the repository http://darcs.net/.
This message was brought to you by DarcsWatch
msg14123 (view) Author: darcswatch Date: 2011-05-10.18:36:21
This patch bundle (with 1 patches) was just applied to the repository http://darcs.net/reviewed.
This message was brought to you by DarcsWatch
Date User Action Args
2010-06-03 21:45:44mornfallcreate
2010-06-03 21:46:36darcswatchsetdarcswatchurl: http://darcswatch.nomeata.de/repo_http:__darcs.net_.html#bundle-c5cb5671068633b3e64499575b5eb8ecdb67b47f
2010-06-06 10:08:08koweysetassignedto: ganesh
messages: + msg11253
nosy: + kowey, ganesh
2010-06-06 10:08:42ganeshsetissues: + failing test => error opening _darcs/pristine.hashed/...
2010-06-07 19:59:31mornfallsetfiles: + resolve-issue1857_-use-and-update-pristine-root-pointer-upon-conversion_.dpatch, unnamed
messages: + msg11314
2010-06-07 20:02:37darcswatchsetdarcswatchurl: http://darcswatch.nomeata.de/repo_http:__darcs.net_.html#bundle-c5cb5671068633b3e64499575b5eb8ecdb67b47f -> http://darcswatch.nomeata.de/repo_http:__darcs.net_.html#bundle-c1ad3768964f77011e2d3bc6742aa689d2faf8d4
2010-06-13 22:08:19ganeshsetstatus: needs-review -> accepted
messages: + msg11401
2010-06-21 18:06:26darcswatchsetmessages: + msg11514
2011-05-10 18:36:21darcswatchsetmessages: + msg14123
2011-05-10 20:36:12darcswatchsetdarcswatchurl: http://darcswatch.nomeata.de/repo_http:__darcs.net_.html#bundle-c1ad3768964f77011e2d3bc6742aa689d2faf8d4 -> http://darcswatch.nomeata.de/repo_http:__darcs.net_reviewed.html#bundle-c5cb5671068633b3e64499575b5eb8ecdb67b47f