
Patch 281 Change predist pref to warn people that we use Cabal now

Title Change predist pref to warn people that we use Cabal now
Superseder Nosy List kowey, tux_rocker
Related Issues
Status accepted Assigned To

Created on 2010-06-15.15:54:57 by tux_rocker, last changed 2011-05-10.20:36:09 by darcswatch.

File name Status Uploaded Type Edit Remove
issue1389.dpatch tux_rocker, 2010-06-15.15:54:55 text/plain
See mailing list archives for discussion on individual patches.
msg11432 (view) Author: tux_rocker Date: 2010-06-15.15:54:57
Hi all,

Here's a patch to resolve issue 1389. My msmtp stopped working with GMail 
because they're messing with their SSL certificates, so I'm sending it from my 
mail reader.

msg11435 (view) Author: kowey Date: 2010-06-15.16:08:23
On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 15:54:57 +0000, Reinier Lamers wrote:
> My msmtp stopped working with GMail because they're messing with their
> SSL certificates, so I'm sending it from my mail reader.

Uh-oh, that's going to affect me.

This is evidence that the outgoing attachment encoding problem
in roundup is not due to darcs send http://bugs.darcs.net/issue1803

resolve issue1389: Change predist pref to point people to use 'cabal sdist'
> Reinier Lamers <tux_rocker@reinier.de>**20100615061429
>  Ignore-this: ae016ce38e16674a0206df256efa4729
> ] changepref predist
> autoconf && ./configure --disable-optimize && ${MAKE-make} predist
> echo Darcs no longer uses \"darcs dist\" for packaging. Please use \"cabal sdist\" instead. && exit 1

Seems to make sense.  Applied, thanks!

Eric Kow <http://www.nltg.brighton.ac.uk/home/Eric.Kow>
PGP Key ID: 08AC04F9
msg11517 (view) Author: darcswatch Date: 2010-06-21.18:07:02
This patch bundle (with 1 patches) was just applied to the repository http://darcs.net/.
This message was brought to you by DarcsWatch
msg14280 (view) Author: darcswatch Date: 2011-05-10.20:36:09
This patch bundle (with 1 patches) was just applied to the repository http://darcs.net/reviewed.
This message was brought to you by DarcsWatch
Date User Action Args
2010-06-15 15:54:57tux_rockercreate
2010-06-15 16:08:23koweysetnosy: + kowey
messages: + msg11435
2010-06-18 16:58:13koweysetstatus: needs-review -> accepted-pending-tests
2010-06-21 18:07:02darcswatchsetstatus: accepted-pending-tests -> accepted
messages: + msg11517
2011-05-10 20:36:09darcswatchsetmessages: + msg14280