Sat Oct 31 20:46:17 GMT 2009 Eric Kow <>
* Add an extra newline in help text stored in author prefs.
This is for readability in the authors file.
Sat Oct 31 20:21:37 GMT 2009 Eric Kow <>
* Camel-case functions exported by Darcs.Repository.Prefs (and some more).
Note that the camel casing is automated with this little Haskell script.
I guess with this sort of automation, we should maybe just get the whole
thing over with in one go.
-- -------------------8<--------------------------------------------
import Data.Char
import System.Environment
import System.Cmd
main =
do args <- map (filter (/= ',')) `fmap` getArgs
mapM_ applyCamel args
applyCamel w =
do system $ unwords [ "grep -rl", w, "src", "|", "xargs darcs replace", w, w2 ]
w2 = camelCase w
camelCase :: String -> String
camelCase ('_':c:cs) = toUpper c : camelCase cs
camelCase (c:cs) = c : camelCase cs
camelCase [] = []