OK, this seems like a fairly straightforward way to test, but where does
this dummyRepo come from?
On Sat, Aug 07, 2010 at 21:11:53 +0000, Adolfo Builes wrote:
> +serve_http # sets baseurl
> +darcs get --lazy $baseurl/R S
> +rm S/_darcs/prefs/sources
> +echo "repo:" >> S/_darcs/prefs/sources
Do we assume that is an unreachable repo here?
It may be reasonable, but I wonder if we have a way to skew things so
that so it's even less likely to be something reachable. Like is there
some sort of canonical "bad" IP address?
> +echo "repo:$baseurl/dummyRepo" >> S/_darcs/prefs/sources
> +echo "repo:~/test1599/S" >> S/_darcs/prefs/sources
> +echo "repo:$baseurl/R" >> S/_darcs/prefs/sources
> +darcs changes --repo S --debug --verbose --no-cache 2>&1 | tee log
> +c=`grep -c "URL.waitUrl" log`
> +c1=`grep -c "URL.waitUrl $baseurl/dummyRepo" log`
> +c2=`grep -c "~/test1599/S" log`
> +[ $c -eq 1 ] && [ $c1 -eq 2 ] && [ $c2 -eq 1 ]
Testing here is based on word counts, which seems fine.
Eric Kow <http://www.nltg.brighton.ac.uk/home/Eric.Kow>
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