
Patch 428 Sprint: Patch index progress report

Title Sprint: Patch index progress report
Superseder Work in progress: patch index
View: 173
Nosy List beschmi
Related Issues
Status obsoleted Assigned To

Created on 2010-10-17.18:23:01 by beschmi, last changed 2012-03-15.23:15:32 by mndrix.

File name Status Uploaded Type Edit Remove
patchindex.dpatch beschmi, 2010-10-17.18:23:01 application/octet-stream
See mailing list archives for discussion on individual patches.
msg12761 (view) Author: beschmi Date: 2010-10-17.18:23:01
Hi all,

my main goal for the sprint was to port the code I wrote at the beginning of the summer to screened. I managed to port the code for creating, updating, and querying the patchindex. The main difficulty was that witnesses are more ubiquitous in the repository code (good!), but nothing big came up.

My next step will be to make changes <filename> and annotate take advantage of the patch-index. For changes, it should be pretty straightforward to port my old code. For annotate, I'm not sure if starting with Petr's new code in adventure makes more sense. Is there anyone who has an idea how much the annotate changes depend on other patches in adventure?

I have attached the patch. You can test it for example with 'darcs optimize --patch-index; darcs show patch-index-all':
Fileid spans:
./GNUmakefile -> 1#./Makefile from 20030522144405-96760-36710cf6ad4679a20d0db2cfebf04d196fea1bf5 to -
./Makefile -> 1#./Makefile from 20021020200105-e9342-29561b8cad0e1c33e44e7c135cb7753667a67856 to 20030522144405-96760-36710cf6ad4679a20d0db2cfebf04d196fea1bf5
Filepath spans:
1#./Makefile -> ./GNUmakefile from 20030522144405-96760-36710cf6ad4679a20d0db2cfebf04d196fea1bf5 to -
1#./Makefile -> ./Makefile from 20021020200105-e9342-29561b8cad0e1c33e44e7c135cb7753667a67856 to 20030522144405-96760-36710cf6ad4679a20d0db2cfebf04d196fea1bf5
Info Map:
1#./Makefile -> 20021020200105-e9342-29561b8cad0e1c33e44e7c135cb7753667a67856
1#./Makefile -> 20021022081814-e9342-649b9afd81380e6f09f7a512ec02c2aeeccf5571

This means that in the given timespans ./GNUmakefile and ./Makefile referred to the file with the unique id 1#./Makefile, that the file with id 1#./Makefile had the given names in the given timespans, and that it was touched by the listed patches.

msg15347 (view) Author: mndrix Date: 2012-03-15.23:15:32
In patch173, bsrkaditya has ported this code to the latest screened.
Date User Action Args
2010-10-17 18:23:01beschmicreate
2010-10-17 20:18:43ganeshsetstatus: needs-screening -> followup-in-progress
2012-03-15 23:15:32mndrixsetstatus: followup-in-progress -> obsoleted
messages: + msg15347
superseder: + Work in progress: patch index