Florent Becker <bugs@darcs.net> writes:
> showPatch :: p C(x y) -> Doc
> showNicely :: p C(x y) -> Doc
> showNicely = showPatch
> + -- | showContextPatch is used to add context to a patch,
> + -- for instance before putting it into a bundle. As context
> + -- is not included in patch representation, this requires access
> + -- to the pristine (?) tree.
This is confusing -- context in darcs normally means [PatchInfo] kind of
context, especially when you talk about bundles. Until I got to the part
about pristine (which is wrong) I believed you were talking about that
kind of context. About the tree it needs, that is the tree that
corresponds to the (darcs) context of the patch: if the patch =
unrecorded, it is indeed the pristine, but in other cases it is not
(especially it is not the pristine in the bundle generation case).
> showContextPatch :: p C(x y) -> TreeIO Doc
> showContextPatch p = return $ showPatch p
> description :: p C(x y) -> Doc