
Patch 691 turn packs off by default due to outstanding bugs

Title turn packs off by default due to outstanding bugs
Superseder Nosy List ganesh
Related Issues
Status accepted Assigned To

Created on 2012-01-01.23:35:41 by ganesh, last changed 2012-01-05.21:42:53 by ganesh.

File name Status Uploaded Type Edit Remove
patch-preview.txt ganesh, 2012-01-01.23:35:41 text/x-darcs-patch
turn-packs-off-by-default-due-to-outstanding-bugs.dpatch ganesh, 2012-01-01.23:35:41 application/x-darcs-patch
unnamed ganesh, 2012-01-01.23:35:41
See mailing list archives for discussion on individual patches.
msg14949 (view) Author: ganesh Date: 2012-01-01.23:35:41
Current plan is for 2.8.0 to ship without packs enabled by default,
due to various bugs. I'll push this immediately, with my release
manager hat on.

1 patch for repository darcs-unstable@darcs.net:screened:

Sun Jan  1 23:31:29 GMT 2012  Ganesh Sittampalam <ganesh@earth.li>
  * turn packs off by default due to outstanding bugs
Date User Action Args
2012-01-01 23:35:41ganeshcreate
2012-01-05 21:42:53ganeshsetstatus: needs-screening -> accepted